Turbulence Training Certification Vision and You

The year is 2016.
We’ve just certified our 5000th Turbulence Training Trainer and celebrated with the biggest ever TT Certification Summit in San Diego.Over 500 TT Certified Trainers attended this life-changing event with elite personal trainers from all over the world.
It was an amazing experience, considering a large number of our Certified TT Trainers were once Turbulence Training clients themselves. After making dramatic body transformations, these men and women went on to become TT Certified and now help anywhere from 20-250 clients each month.
They help more people, make more money, and do it all thanks to the most Advanced Fat Loss and Client Attraction Certification in the world – Turbulence Training.
This is my Vision.
Do you have a Vision for your life?
Have you sat down, dreamed, planned, plotted, and schemed about where you want to be in the future?
You should. It’s what successful people do.
Successful people know where they are going. They know what they want.
And they know what they will have to do to get there.
That includes getting out of their comfort zone, connecting with like-mindedpeople, hanging around others that are more successful – forcing them to “play up a level” and bring out the best in their abilities.
These traits have all been a key to my success.
They will be essential to achieving my vision of 5000 TT Trainers and 10 Million Transformations.
I want you to be a part of this vision.
And you want more for your life and career.
It’s the perfect match. That’s why you should join myself, and Master Certified Turbulence Trainers Kate Vidulich and Dani Woodrum at our next Live TT Certification Seminar in Tampa, Florida.
We already have attendees coming from as far as Aberdeen, Scotland.
There’s no excuse for you not to join us in sunny Florida on Friday,
January 31st and Saturday, February 1st.
You’ll learn how to help more clients, make more money, set a vision for your future, and have more freedom in your life.
We want you as part of our team as we grow our mission and achieve our Vision.
We want you to become one of our most famous and successful TT Trainers…
Like Catherine Gordon, our current TT Trainer of the Year, who was recently featured on ABC news for her Transformation.
Like Mikey Whitfield, whose Workout Finishers online program has helped thousands of people around the world and made him over $191,000 in 2013.
Like Dani Woodrum, Master CTT, who at the age of just 25 is a leader in his community, where he owns 2 gyms, and online where his fitness products have helped thousands of people around the world.
And like Kate Vidulich, Master CTT, trainer to the elite and wealthy in NYC, and owner of her own bootcamp and online fitness products.
These are just a few of our superstars, and we have plenty of room for more – that is to say, we have plenty of room for YOU.
Don’t let another day go by without making big steps toward your vision.
The time is now. The solution is the TT Certification. It will give you everything you need to help more clients, make more money, achieve your goals, live your life’s Vision, and have more freedom.
Turbulence Training Certified Trainers enjoy the most financial freedom and security of any certified fitness professional. They are constantly being given new training material and done-for-you Client Attraction advice each month through the TT newsletters delivered directly to their doorstep.
With the done-for-YOU materials, you’ll be able to focus on what you love doing – helping people transform their bodies and their lives.
And then we’ll get together at the TT Summit in June to learn advanced training and marketing secrets from world-class experts like Alwyn and Rachel Cosgrove, Brad Pilon, Bedros Keuilian, our Top TT Trainers, and myself.
After all, I understand the initial investment and intimidation to getting started as a Certified Personal Trainer, and that’s why we created the most trainer-friendly formula to eliminate stress and financial insecurity while giving you the fastest results and success in the fitness industry.
Your Success is OUR Success But Turbulence Training is as much about what we don’t do as it is about what we can do.
We do not accept trainers who are just out to make a buck, or trainers who are not committed to science-based innovation, or anyone who gives up.
Every Turbulence Trainer is committed to the Turbulence Training Core Values,and wears their TT Core Values t-shirt with pride.
The 3 most important things we offer our TT Certified Trainers are:
1) Piece of mind that they are not alone, and in fact are part of one of the largest fitness families in the world.
2) Done-for-you Client Attraction systems and elimination of technological and lead generation headaches.
3) The assurance of a world-class support system and opportunity to help more people and build a bigger business than they could ever make on their own.
Turbulence Training Support Staff members take pride in their work and in our 2020 vision of helping over 10 million men and women transform their bodies and their lives.
Turbulence Training is the pinnacle of the fitness industry. It’s often been said that it’s as if we identified everything negative about personal trainer certifications and organizations and we tossed it out the door and started a new kind of fitness and fat loss certification.
That’s because we did, because we knew it was the only way to make Turbulence Training the dominating force in the fitness industry today.
Back to my 2016 TT Vision…
By the end of this year we’ll have celebrated our 500,000th Turbulence Training Transformation Client. And we’re going to crush our goal of 10 Million Transformations before 2020.
Thanks, in a big part, to you and your vision of being the best trainer you can be.
So let’s change the industry. Let’s build your business. Let’s do this together.
Click here to claim your spot at the 1st Live Certified TT Trainer event
See you in Tampa,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Training
PS – There are TONS of goodies…
…that you’ll get when you reserve your spot for our Live TT Certification event.
This includes access to ALL of my workouts, plus a free ticket for life to the annual Turbulence Training Summit in San Diego (our next event is already booked for June 6-7, 2014 with Alwyn and Rachel Cosgrove as our special guests).
Be a Leader.
Join the Elite.
Get Turbulence Training Certified.
Click here to claim your spot at our next Live Certified TT Trainer event
Looking forward to you being a BIG part of the TT Family.
Talk soon!