Fat Shredding 600 Challenge

Perform the following circuit in order resting only during the designated rest intervals.

1A. Narrow Stance Squats – 20 reps
1B. Rocking Planks – 20 reps
1C. Jumping Jacks – 20 reps
1D. Spiderman Climbers – 10 reps/side
1E. Skater Hops – 10 reps/side
Rest 1 minute before moving on to the next circuit

2A. Pushups – 40 reps
2B. Squats – 40 reps
2C. Bodyweight Rows – 40 reps
2D. Mountain Climbers – 20 reps/side
2E. Running Knees – 20 reps/side
Rest 1 minute before moving on to the next circuit

3A. Sumo Squats – 20 reps
3B. Cross-body Mountain Climbers – 10 reps/side
3C. Total Body Extensions – 20 reps
3D. Off-Set Pushups – 10 reps/side
3E. Stick-Ups – 20 reps
Rest 30 seconds then repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 circuits