3 Meals Never to Eat

Today you are going to learn 3 meals NEVER to eat. Over to guest expert, nutrition expert Dani Woodrum, Master Certified Turbulence Trainer…
3 Meals Never to Eat
By Dani Woodrum, MCTT
If you’re not losing fat, chances are you’re getting tricked by these three common fat traps. It’s not your fault. Fitness and nutrition magazines have mistakenly been recommending these fat traps for years.
But the truth is that you need to avoid these three meals if you want lose weight, accelerate your metabolism, and feel more confident in your bathing suit this summer.
Don’t worry! These aren’t your typical tips on how you must “avoid eating processed food”, “stay away from artificial sweeteners”, or “read the ingredient label for trans fat”. But they are very controversial.
Once you start avoiding these 3 fat traps, you can easily lose those stubborn 10, 20, or 30lbs in just a few weeks.
Please read these with an open mind, as this is going to go against everything you’ve been taught over the years. You might want to take a seat, you are about to be shocked.
Avoid these 3 fat traps for fat loss:
1. The High-Carb Breakfast
This goes against everything you’ve heard from politically-correct dieticians, but it’s the truth.
Did you know that eating a big, high-carb breakfast virtually shuts down your fat burning hormones? All those carbs are fine for marathon runners, but not for fat loss. Research also shows that eating a big, high-carb breakfast can leave you tired and hungrier throughout the day.
Click here to learn about a NEW approach called early morning depletion, which has been proven to accelerate fat loss and increase metabolism.
2. The Mini-Meals Every 2-3 Hours
Millions of people all across the world have been programmed to eat small frequent meals every 2-3 hours to speed up their metabolism and see remarkable fat loss results.
But did you know that there is NO science to support this?
It’s simply not necessary to stress yourself out and try to stick to this silly 2-3 hour eating schedule? In fact, most people simply end up eating too much when they eat this often.
Plus, it makes for way too much preparation and meal clean-up. I’m sure you don’t like washing dishes any more than I do, so why eat 6 small meals per day when you can enjoy a couple of big, delicious fat burning meals while using just half the plates?
3. The Low-Carb Dinner
Contrary to popular belief, eating a majority of your calories and carbs at night actually increases your metabolism and allows you to burn MORE fat while sleeping.
Sound too good to be true?
It’s not! A recent study from Israel found that people who ate most of their carbs at night lost an average of 6 extra pounds of belly fat compared to those who ate all their carbohydrates earlier in the day.
That’s shockingly good news for most of us. With this approach you’ll have more energy all-day long and you’ll start burning fat faster.
If you are serious about losing your stubborn belly fat and are looking for a NEW simple, effective, and fun approach that will speed up your metabolism overnight, check this out. This plan avoids these 3 deadly fat traps and allows you to burn fat while you’re sleeping.
NEW metabolic boosting eating approach [lose 10, 20, 30lbs in weeks]
Thanks Dani.
This controversial information will help you lose a LOT of stubborn fat.
Just say NO to the politically-correct advice you get in magazines like Shape, Woman’s World, or Oxygen magazine. Stick with the research-proven advice you get here at Turbulence Training.
To your politically incorrect success,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – If you’re tired of constantly eating the same boring bland foods…
…while trying to lose fat, here’s the solution.
Get these DELICIOUS 6-Week “Read it & Eat it” Meal Plans
With these meal plans, everything is DONE-For-You.