10-Minute Caffeine Workout

Last Monday we filmed 40 new workout videos for you at an NBC TV studio in Denver. The quality of the production is simply amazing.
Here I am getting WHOOPED in an 8-minute workout (by my trainer, Missi).
The new workouts will be available just before Ballantyne’s Day => another reason it’s the world’s favorite holiday 🙂 … although TT Platinum Members will get early access, of course.
The day after filming I returned to Canada for the first time this year. I’d been on a 23 day road trip. It was good to see ol’ Bally the Dog again, but not so good to take those freezing cold 6am dog walks (although he loves them).
I guess I’m getting soft. So I made up for it with a fantastic 10×10 Goblet Squat workout. Now here’s something you might not know about me. I’m don’t drink a lot of caffeine. It gives me anxiety. But I had some before this workout and I trained really hard.
Research shows that caffeine boosts strength about 7%, and I certainly noticed it. Sometimes caffeine makes me train too hard and I end up with extra soreness the next day. Ooops.
The 10×10 workout took longer than 10 minutes, and I’m going to give you the full workout here, followed with a 10-minute version of it. Either one will give you fat burning results, while the 10×10 will help you build muscle.
The 10×10 Caffeine Workout <= ADVANCED
1A) KB Goblet Squat – 10 reps (I used a 70-pound kettlebell)
1B) KB Swings – 20 reps (I used a 53-pound kettlebell)
– Rest 30 seconds between exercises.
– Repeat the superset 5 times.
2A) KB Goblet Squat – 10 reps (same weight)
2B) Jump Rope (or Jumping Jacks) – 1 minute
– Rest 30 seconds between exercises.
– Repeat the superset 5 times.
That was about 30 minutes, not including my ol’ man warm-up of bodyweight exercises and some yoga. Of course, that’s a long, advanced, Turbulence Training style workout.
If you want a shorter, bodyweight only, 10-Minute Workout that goes with your morning caffeine boost (of Green Tea or good coffee), do this:
The 10-Minute Caffeine Workout (NO-Equipment)
1) Total Body Extension- 45 seconds (15 second rest)
2) Close-Grip Pushups – 45 seconds (15 second rest)
3) Prisoner Lunges or 1-Leg Hip Extensions – 45 seconds/side (15 sec rest)
4) Burpees or Bodyweight Squats – 30 seconds (30 second rest)
5) Cross-Body Mountain Climber or Plank – 45 seconds (15 second rest)
6) Jumping Jacks – 45 seconds (15 second rest)
7) Prisoner Squat Jumps or Wall Squat Hold – 30 seconds (30 second rest)
8] 90% Close-Grip Pushup or Kneeling version – 45 seconds (15 second rest)
9) Total Body Extensions – 60 seconds
– Do the circuit once for a total of 10-minutes of caffeinated goodness. 🙂
What a perfect start to a Monday. Just like filming those videos last Monday in Denver with Missi and Marie, our two TT superstar models & trainers.
Taking fitness model Marie through a 4-minute “cardio sculpt” workout
Watch for a Ballantyne’s Day delivery for these videos. Or become a TT Platinum Member today and get early access to these and full access to ALL of my workouts here.
Have a great week.
And get better every day,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Start your day right.
Work on your #1 priority right away to give you momentum and an early victory that cannot be taken away from you no matter how chaotic the rest of the day. Push on to take CONTROL of your life and own your days.
Do not let peer pressure interfere with your path to success. Do not let random, unimportant people stop you from achieving your big goals and dreams. You must know who and what really matters.
PPS – Even Time magazine says skip cardio and do short TT workouts.
Right on!