Four Things You Must Know About Selling
Who doesn’t want to make money doing what they love? There’s nothing wrong with that. But, is starting your own business that simple? It can be if you have the drive, dedication, and passion…AND…you know how to sell.
I don’t mean the car salesmen type who is in your face the second you walk onto the car lot. I’m talking about understanding people and knowing how to offer your product or service to give them something they want; something that solves a problem.
Too many entrepreneurs say, “I don’t have selling skills.” The good news is these skills can be learned. If you think about it, we’re selling almost every day without even knowing it. For example…
After enjoying a nice restaurant or vacation spot, you talk about it, don’t you? You sell it!
Starting your own business is no different.
Today, I’m going to show you four quick techniques I’ve used countless times to sell in my businesses. I hope these will serve you as well as they’ve served me.
1) Know your Target Market
Whatever your product or service it is imperative you know who your target market is.
What’s their pain, what’s their desire, what’s their want, and how can you fix or satisfy one or all of these? How does your product or service help them? Remember, it’s always about them.
Knowing you are dealing with the right person at the right time is critical to your success in sales. It makes closing much easier. A lot of people think closing requires high pressure and manipulative techniques. In reality, closing is an easy and natural process that shouldn’t require any high pressure if you know your market.
2) Learn how to Handle Objections
Objections create fear because you think you won’t have the right response, and fear will stop you from making the sale. You need to cultivate the attitude that you can’t wait to deal with your customer’s objections.
Learn now, before you start, what objections you think you will hear AND know how to handle them. The less objections bother you, the more sales you’ll close.
One of the most powerful ways to handle objections is to be honest. Agree with the customer’s concerns. Most customers are shocked when you agree because they expect negativity or a counterargument.
For example, when I was young (about 10 years old) I went door to door selling Christmas cards. I received more objections than I ever thought I would. But I still sold every box and handled every objection. If a young boy were to do this today, he might face an objection like this:
Prospect: “I can get Christmas cards much cheaper at Walmart.”
You: “Yep. And if you wait till after Christmas when they put them on sale, you could save almost two dollars a box.”
… pause… quizzical look…
“Well, Ok then. Since you’re here now, maybe I’ll get a couple.”
This may seem like a silly example, but is it really? Just insert your product or service for the Christmas cards.
Objections from the potential buyer are just opportunities to assess the real interest in what you are selling. Once you have answered their question, it’s an opportunity to ask if they are ready to move forward with the purchase. This is called a “trial close” so you can see if there are any more questions.
3) Know your Numbers
It is important you understand exactly what your product or service is worth and what you need to sell to make money. You need to know what you can offer potential clients before you even speak with them. The last thing you want is to start stuttering when they ask you cost questions. This is especially important for the new business owner. When we’re new and a prospect shows interest, we tend to want to “give them a deal” to get the sale. There’s nothing wrong with some “give-a-ways” to get some business, but you better know exactly what that means to your bottom line.
Can you afford to sell at a 50% discount? If so, how many of these before it costs you money? A great example is selling through Groupon. It’s a great way to acquire leads and new clients, but there has to be a limit to how much you sell this way. Know your numbers.
4) Relax and Be Yourself
This may not sound like a selling technique, but it’s actually pretty darn important. No one likes to deal with a liar who just wants to make a fast buck. When you are sincere about your product or service and really care about your prospects, they will know, like, and trust you. This is one of the biggest selling advantages.
Take the time to listen to their concerns, wants, needs, and desires and then just be yourself when you respond. Be sincere, but at the same time remember everything we’ve discussed above. Know your objections, know your numbers, and close the sale.
Starting your own business is exciting. Knowing selling basics will help you do it correctly. You’ve got the passion or you wouldn’t be here reading this. Now, just learn to sell and get out there and help people. You’ll be amazed at what happens.