How to Get Stuff Done

Today we’re going to talk about your number one priority each and every day, and that is getting stuff done.
Listen, you have big goals in life, and all that matters each day is that you get up and take action in a positive direction towards them. That’s how you beat procrastination and achieve your dreams.
Of course, you have obstacles in your way. Family, work, your boss, too many ideas, too much on your to-do list, and then there’s all those emergencies that other people put on your plate.
With all that going on, you’re probably wondering why you’re not getting ahead even faster, right?
The reason why you are not having the success you desire and deserve is because you haven’t created your rules or your vision, and you aren’t fully committed to doing the right things, right now, for your right life.
But Craig, you’re thinking. How the heck can I do all that with all of the other stuff I have to do?
It’s simple. It’s not easy. But it’s simple. All you have to do is follow the proven path that I lay out for you.
If you are truly passionate about your BIG goals and dreams, about creating the best life for you and your family, and for giving them everything they deserve and desire, then you have the most important factor for success. And that factor is your burning desire. I know you have it in you.
But right now, there’s still something stopping you.
And it’s the ability to make progress on your top priority.
Fixing that problem starts up here (in your head, where you’re reading this article!).
We need to change your beliefs about yourself.
You need to truly believe in yourself.
You need to believe that you can change.
You need to believe that you can control your day.
And you can. ALL of that is possible.
I was once just like you. I was struggling to make an impact. I didn’t have the lifestyle I dreamed about. And I didn’t have control over my days. I was a struggling personal trainer that wanted to change lives, but simply didn’t know how.
Each morning, just like you, I’d get up and start racing to get to work. Then I’d be gone all day. I’d get home exhausted. You know the feeling.
So with being on the treadmill of life, how the heck can you make big changes?
You need to take this challenge.
Your challenge is to break that thought pattern. You need to stop thinking you can’t make progress, and you need to believe that you can CONTROL your morning, you can CONQUER the chaos of the afternoon, and that you can CONCENTRATE on what counts at night.
That’s the secret formula.
When I changed my mindset, I began getting up fifteen minutes earlier each day to work on my number one priority in life (building my online fitness business). I stopped sleeping late on weekends and used the uninterrupted Saturday morning hours to make progress towards my goals. And I started searching out and spending time with positive people that supported me, educated me, and held me accountable.
When you make the changes you need to make, just like I did, you’ll start to experience BIG breakthroughs in your life, your relationships, your business, and your health.
It all starts with reprogramming your beliefs about time and success.
Don’t let other people’s beliefs influence yours. If your friends don’t think they can change, ignore them. Because you can. If your family is skeptical, forget about their opinions. Because you can succeed.
You are done sabotaging yourself.
All of us have negative beliefs running through our heads. But it’s not your fault.
The negative beliefs were put in there from your parents, your teachers, your friends, and even the television shows you watch.
And these negative beliefs control your thoughts and your actions. They hold you back in life.
Those negative beliefs tell you that money is scarce, opportunity is gone, and that bad things are going to happen to you.
Of course, those things aren’t true.
Your negative beliefs are wrong.
But your mind has been tricked.
And so it’s your mind that we must fix.
How do you do that? You start with changing who you listen to, who you spend your time with, avoiding complainers at work, and switching off the news on television or the radio. Then you replace that with positive messages, from personal development audios, videos, and books that show you how to succeed.
You become who you associate with. If you want to be better, you must surround yourself with abundance-thinking, positive people and feed your mind with optimistic thoughts. You need to get together with Go-Givers and be around Value Adders.
Those are the people that will help you play up a level in life.
When you fix your thoughts and associate with good people, you’ll overcome the negative beliefs and unblock yourself from success. The road to wealth, health, success, and opportunity will open up.
It’s time to end the self-sabotage and succeed.
With this new mindset, you’ll finally get more done. You’ll make progress on your priorities. You now have Permission to live your life with passion and purpose. And you have the beliefs to achieve what you desire and deserve in life.
You can — and WILL — do it.
Your time is now.
And people need you.
Your family, your friends, your co-workers, your clients… they all need you to change so that you can become better and make them better too, and so that you can provide your family with a better life, and so that you can control your day and have less stress.
You can do this.
And it all starts with switching your success mindset.
It begins with bettering your beliefs.
That’s all you need to do…now over to you. It’s time for you to share your story of success. Let me know how your life changed when you put this advice into action.