Fat-Burning “OFF-Day” workout keeps you YOUNG

Sorry for taking so long to get you this. It’s long overdue.

Today I’m going to share my “Old Man Warm-up” (OMW). It’s a 15-minute mobility and stretching session that I do a couple of times per week, especially the day after a hard fat burning circuit workout.

These movements get blood flowing into the muscles, easing soreness and speeding recovery – and preventing future injury.

Funny thing is that my Old Man Warm-up is the secret that allows me to move like I’m 20 years old again. Even ol’ Bally the Dog does some of the moves with me out in the ol’ garage gym, and that’s why he can still run around like a puppy at age 10.

This is the perfect time of year to give you this secret program. You’ve probably been going hard since January 1st. But every few weeks you need to back off and recover. You can also use it as a traditional pre-workout warm-up, too (perfect for those cold winter days when we need to warm-up our engines longer).

(Note: Don’t worry, for those of you that still want a hard workout, I’ll send you one later this week!)

But for today, I want you to use your own customized version of my Old Man Warm-up (customize it to your needs by spending more time on your tight muscles and less time on your areas that feel fine).

One more thing…

Most folks train too hard, too many days per week.

But you don’t need to be a Cross-Fit junkie, going all-out 6 days per week, just to lose fat and get back in shape.

In fact, if you’re over 30, and not on steroids, then you shouldn’t exercise long and hard more than 4 days per week. You need at least 3 “off-days.”

The purpose of off-day activity is:

1) Health – If your life is sedentary (i.e. a desk job, long commute, and lots of TV and computer time), then you need to get moving for at least 30 minutes each day.

Note: If you are a manual laborer who walks 3+ miles per day or does 1+ hour of moderate activity per day (stacking boxes, etc.), then you don’t need to obsess about off-day activity.

Your goal isn’t to “workout” on off-days. So don’t do 500 kettlebell swings and 200 pushups. Instead, just stay active for your general health and wellbeing.

2) Mobility – Use the low-intensity bodyweight exercises and mobility drills in my OMW to fix your body. This includes foam rolling, simple torso training (ab endurance exercises like planks), shoulder and hip mobility drills, easy bodyweight exercises, and stretches.

3) Recovery – Doing light activity increases blood flow to the sore areas and this decreases soreness and gets us ready for our next training session.

4) Social Time – Spend your off-days staying active with family and friends, or doing errands on foot (or on your bicycle). Take the dog for a longer walk, meet your friends for a walk, or play longer with your kids outside. Heck, you can even walk around a shopping mall and people watch.

5) Relaxation – Unplug. Go for a walk without your phone, iPod, or in my case, a portable CD player. Yes, I still have one and use it regularly. Let your mind wander as your body wanders.

Craig’s Old Man Warm-Up

1) Foam rolling: Upper back, lats, upper back/posterior deltoid, TFL, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, adductors, hamstrings, glutes. My favorite new tool for this is the Travel Roller from www.fitter1.com
2) Shoulder Shrugs – 15 gentle repetitions
3) Cross-body Arms or Stick-Ups – 15 repetitions (watch here)
4) Bodyweight Squat – 15 slow repetitions
5) Bird Dog Hold – 20 second hold per side
6) Glute Squeeze – 20 second hold
7) Plank – 60 second hold
8] Band Pull – 20 repetitions
9) Prisoner Squat – 15 reps
10) 1-Leg RDL – 15 reps per side (my LEAST favorite exercise!)
11) Leg Swings – 20 reps per side
12) Chest Stretch – 30 second hold
13) Posterior Shoulder Stretch – 30 second hold per side
14) Downward Dog – 30 second hold
15) Kneeling Psoas/Hip Flexor Stretch – 30 second hold per side
16) Yoga Pigeon Stretch – 20 second hold per side
17) Spiderman Climb with 3-second hold at top – 5 reps per side

I hope this off-day activity guide clarifies the purpose and recommendations for these days.

Add a little gratitude and meditation for bonus karma points and you’ll feel like you’ve done something without doing too much.

If your body needs more TLC (tender loving care) and recovery, read this article:

20-second secret reveals how to become pain free without pills or Doctors

Taking care of your body,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer


PS – You can get pain free at any age…

…no matter what has happened to your body in the past.

My friend, Missi Holt, CTT, and our pain-relief expert at Early To Rise, once suffered severe injuries in a car crash. But today she’s stronger and fitter than me! Find out how she did it. Read this article:

20-second secret reveals how to become pain free without pills or Doctors

You’ll be amazed at how good you can feel in less than a minute.

PPS – After you recover…

Celebrate your progress and commit to getting better every day. Push yourself and believe in yourself. Notice when you are tempted by self-rejection and fight it. Do not let anything stop you from making progress towards your goals and dreams. Never give up on what is important to you. The treasure you seek is truly within.