We Need To Talk

Last week was stressful. Really stressful. I traveled from Toronto to Denver, had a valuable team member quit, was interviewed for Russian television (long story), and I threw a medicine ball that hit me square in the face (even longer story, LOL).
But I refuse to call it a “bad week”.
You see, my friend, Alwyn Cosgrove, taught me a lesson. Twelve years ago he beat Stage IV cancer (there is no Stage V). Two years later it returned, and he beat it again.
Today, Alwyn says, “I don’t have bad days. I only have good days and great days.”
That’s the right way to look at life.
It’s all about your perspective.
Every day we can choose to mope and moan, or we can be happy to have a chance to fail forward, to learn lessons, to get better, to focus on what matters, and to concentrate on how we can improve our lives – even when we feel paralyzed by stress or fear.
One of my mentors once taught me this motto for life:
“Motion beats meditation.” — These 3 simple words get you through tough times
Here’s what that means. When you’re down, when you’ve had a bad day, when it feels like there is too much to do, the best thing to do is…
Doing almost anything is better than moping, moaning, and meditating on the bad luck we’ve had in life.
We’re better off to…
Take action.
To learn from our mistakes.
To plan ahead so we never make them again.
And to get back on track towards our big goals and dreams.
It doesn’t matter if you messed up on the weekend with your diet… or if your spouse yelled at you because you forgot to take out the garbage or pick up dinner from the store… or if you had a tough day at work because your boss was a jerk.
You can’t control the past, but you can concentrate on making a better future.
And that’s what I’ve been doing.
So no matter how stressed you might feel, never let anything keep you down.
If you stumble, get right back up, brush yourself off, and keep on going.
Just take action and make a little bit of progress every day.
So my friend, here’s to having a GREAT day today, and always remember…
Control what you can, take action on what matters, and concentrate on what counts.
But wait, what if you need MORE help with this?
What if you’re not sure “what counts”?
What if you don’t feel like you can control your day?
What if you just think I’m “full of it”?
Well, then you and I need to talk.
Join me for a frank discussion about how to improve your life
During our talk, I’ll show you how to use my Perfect Life Formula to lose weight, get more done, and even find the love of your life (or strengthen your marriage).
Bedros Keuilian, the CEO and founder of Fit Body Boot Camp (now the fastest growing fitness franchise in the world), uses my three success secrets to get massive amounts of work done each day and still make it home every night to play guitar with his son before dinner, and ping pong with his daughter after dinner (followed by an hour of quality time with his wife, Diana).
These three secrets have also helped another one of my clients, Isabel De Los Rios, the world famous author of the Beyond Diet nutrition program.
In fact, Isabel once said:
“I should get a ‘What Would Craig Do?’ bracelet because he has changed my life with his coaching.”
Isabel has helped over one million people change their lives, and she is able to finish work each day at 2:30pm so she can help homeschool her children and so that she and her husband can take a walk together every day.
That’s the power of putting my secrets into place in your life.
So let’s talk.
Let’s identify the obstacles in your way and blow them to smithereens so that you can have the results, success, and life that you desire and DESERVE.
Talk to me here (and bring your questions)
Looking forward to our chat.
Craig Ballantyne
PS – Oh, and you can also WIN…
…access to one of my $6000 coaching programs for free.
But you have to be on the call to win.
Join me here (and grab your free gift)
Now go save that date and get ready to change your life