How to Hotwire the Internet
“Marketing to consumers is so challenging because it is evolving constantly.” – Andrea Jung
People often ask me, “What is the best opportunity to profit online?” My reaction’s always the same: I pull them into a dark corner, make sure nobody else can hear me, then whisper in their ear, “Telling other people how to profit online!”
Which is exactly what I’m going to show you how to do in this article.
Don’t worry. There’s nothing funny going on here. This isn’t some moneymaking “scheme.” All the techniques I teach about Internet marketing work … and my students and I have done very well with them. But I happen to know that there’s an incredible gap in the market right now for one kind of service: Internet marketing consulting.
That’s right. I want to teach you how to become an online marketing expert so you can turn around and market yourself as a consultant.
You see, the fear of Internet marketing is caused by nothing more than a web of myths and misdirection. Here are the classic false assumptions most people make:
- I have to be technically minded and know how to build a website.
- I need an original idea and product of my own.
- I need a huge advertising budget like all the big “dot-coms.”
- I can’t compete against the big players.
They’re all baloney. And that creates a big opportunity for you – an opportunity that’s a shortcut to Internet profits.
Many people and corporations want to get in on the Internet ATM but are frightened off. Where there’s fear of the unknown, there’s a need for consultants. And that’s where you come in.
“Me? An Internet marketing consultant?” Yes, you!
Listen, there are still many companies that are doing very nicely but don’t yet have a website. Or, even if they do, they don’t do any online marketing. You would be a no-fee consultant to those existing businesses.
You would offer them a no-fee deal. You wouldn’t get any payment up front, but you would get 10 percent of whatever you make for them online. I know people who make a six-figure income like this … doing the most basic stuff. And it can be learned in a very short time. A little networking, a few referrals, and you’re on your way!
There are plenty of companies that’ve done all the hard work already. They’ve created products, set up shop, hired employees, and have gone through all the other hassles of starting a business. But they don’t do anything online. They may have a website, but they don’t know how to drive traffic to it.
You may not know how to do it either … yet. But you can quickly turn yourself into a cyber-guerilla. Here’s how:
- Start by making a commitment to discover the “inside” knowledge you need – the basics of Internet marketing. There are plenty of conferences, seminars, and programs out there for you to learn from. (Just make sure they’re from people you trust.)
- Get yourself a webmaster – somebody who can put up and develop a website for you. Once you’ve got the technical side taken care of, you can then apply your newly acquired Internet marketing techniques to making your own website strong and saleable. And you’re going to do the same thing for your clients.
- Network for a referral to your first client. (Ideally, you want to market your services to larger companies that either don’t have a website or that have a website but are not directing any traffic to it.) Make your first client a generous offer in exchange for a great testimonial you can use to promote your services further.
- Offer potential clients a free “Internet profits health check.” Simply use a checklist to see what they’re doing already. More often than not, you’ll find that there’s plenty you can do for them.
Here’s another shortcut to online profits …
About 10 percent of Internet users don’t enter what they’re looking for into a search engine’s “search” box. Let’s say they’re looking for candy. Instead of entering “candy” in Google’s (or another search engine’s) search box, they’ll type “” directly into the address box at the top of the page.
So what? So that means by simply spending a few bucks to buy a domain name for the company you’re consulting for – [their product].com – you will have created an automated money machine for them. (And, of course, you’ll get 10 percent of everything they rake in.) With this one simple step, you’ll be able to attract up to 10 percent of all Internet traffic that’s searching for the item they’re selling.
The catch is that the domain name in question must be available (and it MUST end in “.com”). Needless to say, all the juicy ones have been snapped up. BUT what people are looking for online changes on a daily basis (, for example). So if you keep your eye on the ball and act quickly, you can find the perfect domain name … for yourself or your clients. is one website where you can go to buy domain names. And you can try, which will help you see the sort of things people are currently entering on Internet searches.
So what do you do with that domain once you’ve got it? Fill the website with free content all about the subject in question. (You can write your content or you can use public sources.) Then, Google will allow you to place other people’s ads (that are relevant to your content) on the site … and will pay you (or your client) every time someone clicks on those ads. It’s that simple!
Go to Select “advertising programs,” then “Google AdSense” … and all will be explained.
I know it’s hard to believe, but there really are a lot of companies that would be happy to pay you to do this for them … because they just don’t “get” the Internet. But as you can see, it’s possible to spend no more than a few dollars, post a couple of very basic ads, and have instant access to millions of potential customers, all in a matter of minutes.
Hotwiring the Internet for real profits is just a matter of getting started.
[Ed. Note: James Sheridan is owner and president of multimillion-dollar direct-marketing companies in the U.S. and Europe. He’s a professional copywriter and Internet marketing consultant to a Nasdaq-listed corporation.Using the strategies that make up his Instant Internet Income program, James brought in over $175,000 in one day! The great news is … by following the steps in his program, you can copy his plan exactly.]