An Invitation to Make a Lot of Money Fast
Today, I am going to give you a way to make a lot of money. And after I have explained it, I will tell you exactly how to get started.
It is a very simple strategy. I have used it and have personally seen it being used at least 100 times in the last 10 years. In the beginning, the success rate was less than 50 percent. But now, because of what we have learned, it is probably over 90 percent.
Those 100-odd efforts are now generating hundreds of millions of dollars in revenues. I don’t think there is a single one making less than a million.
And it won’t cost you a cent. I will give you this strategy for free. If you decide to pursue it, you can invest in a shortcut I will recommend. But that is optional.
That’s the bait. Here’s the catch: Most people who read this message today will not take action because they have already decided that this is not for them. But, in fact, it is for everyone. Rich. Poor. Man. Woman. Black. White. Able-bodied. Handicapped. This is a very democratic opportunity.
Before I tell you what it is, I want to ask you a qualifying question: When it comes to moneymaking opportunities, what do you look for?
If you are like most people, you will agree with the following:
- It must be legitimate. (“I don’t want to waste my time with some investment or business opportunity scam.”)
- It must be easy to understand. (“I don’t want to get into something that requires technical knowledge or long hours of study.”)
- It must be easy to do. (“I’m already working hard and, frankly, I’m sick of working!”)
- It must start generating cash quickly. (“I can’t afford to wait years to make it.”)
- It must be cheap to get into. (“I don’t have a lot of money to invest. I’ve been burned by the banks and brokerages enough. I want to keep my investment to a bare minimum.”)
Is that a wish list or what?
Well, the opportunity I’m talking about has every one of those benefits. Plus, as time goes on, you can grow it so that eventually it can make you rich — very rich.
I have been in the wealth-building business for more than 30 years and this is, without question, the single best moneymaking opportunity I’ve ever seen.
But it’s an opportunity that won’t be around much longer. My guess is that the window will be shutting some time this year. So if you have ever thought about getting serious about making money, pay attention to what I’m about to tell you.
If You Went Broke Tomorrow, What Would You Do?
If all of my assets and all of my money were to disappear today, this is the one thing I would do immediately to put me back on the road to financial independence.
I would get a job at McDonald’s and fund this opportunity with the money I was making flipping burgers. I’d have my own business up and running within the week. And I’m confident that in a year or so I’d be able to use the income I was getting from it to buy the McDonald’s I was working in.
It’s that powerful. It’s that quick. It’s that foolproof. And I’m not kidding.
- One of my friends used this strategy to create $11 million in yearly revenues in less than three years.
- Another friend used it to develop an income of more than $350,000 a year working part-time.
- Another friend replaced her salary — a hefty six-figure salary — in less than nine months.
- A client of mine grew from $100 million to $350+ million in less than 10 years.
The strategy I am talking about involves three of the fasting-growing industries in the world.
1. The Internet (E-commerce is a $223 billion+ industry in the U.S. alone, and that is expected to grow to nearly $350 billion by 2014.)
2. Direct marketing — a $2 trillion industry worldwide, with about three-fourths of it in the U.S.
3. Information publishing — a $1 trillion a year industry
I don’t know whether I coined the term or borrowed it, but I dubbed this strategy — a new business model that combines information publishing, direct marketing, and the medium of the Internet — info-net marketing.
This is the model Early to Rise and Agora Inc. have used to bring about their phenomenal growth. And you can understand why it is the best business model in the world for newcomers by looking at the advantages of each of its elements.
Advantages of information publishing:
- Cash upfront
- You can work from anywhere
- Low or no office costs
- Niche friendly (In fact, you need a narrow niche to be successful.)
- Low start-up costs
- Potentially huge margins
Advantages of direct marketing:
- Low cost of entry
- Perfect for information publishing
- Idea and niche friendly
- Scientific and ramp-able (This is how direct marketing at its best works.)
Advantages of the Internet:
- Reduced the cost of production and inventory
- Has minimal storage requirements and low delivery costs
- Is very niche friendly
- Low cost of customer contact
- Super-low cost of entry
- A perfect synergy with direct marketing and information publishing
All of these advantages come together with info-net marketing.
As an info-net marketer, you can keep dozens, even hundreds, of virtual products in “storage” — and you can sell them to your customer base, a few at a time, indefinitely.
You can start out small and keep testing new products and promotions inexpensively. When you find something that works, you can “run it out” instantly.
You can “speak” to your customers daily (mostly through e-mail) and thus significantly increase (even quintuple) the lifetime value of each buyer.
If you want to create an extra stream of income for yourself, this is the best way to do it. And, as far as I know, this is the safest and surest way to achieve multimillion-dollar status quickly.
The Strategy
At the beginning of this essay, I promised to give you the strategy free of charge. So here it is…
If I went broke tomorrow and wanted to start making money by next week and leverage that money into a multimillion-dollar fortune, I would do the following:
1. Get on my computer and do a search for businesses that are selling books, newsletters, and reports online. Knowing what I know about searching the Internet, I figure this would take me less than 30 minutes.
2. Use one of several free applications to identify about a dozen of those businesses that were growing rapidly. Again, this would take no more than 30 minutes.
3. Review the websites of those businesses and select the one I liked the best. This would take three to four hours.
4. Using a list of top copywriters broken down by their fields of expertise, I’d make a deal with one of them to write (a) an information-packed report that was similar to something being sold by my favorite online business but in some key way better and (b) a promotion to sell that report. An hour’s phone call.
5. While my copywriter was writing the report and the promotion, I’d get online and identify the best places to attract potential customers. Using proprietary software, this would take only 30 minutes.
6. As soon as the promotion was ready, I’d have the copywriter create a half-dozen small ads enticing potential buyers to come to my website in order to get a free one-page report (based on the information in the full report).
7. As prospects came to my website, I’d have them sign them up for a free information service that would allow me to start marketing to them directly. (This would be done automatically. It would take me no time at all.)
8. And then I would send them the promotion for the full report… and sit back and wait for the money to start coming in.
As I you can see, this is a simple strategy that requires very little in the way of start-up costs. My total invested time would be four or five days. And I’d have the business fully operational within 30 days. By the end of the second month, I’d be making money. After that, the business would pretty much grow itself.
The Shortcut
The business model I just described works. It has worked for ETR. It has worked for my clients. And it has worked for the many people we know of who have used it to generate their own income streams. In fact, since we began talking about this strategy in ETR 10 years ago, I’d be willing to bet that hundreds of our readers have used it to create billions of dollars’ worth of revenue.
But, as I said, this opportunity won’t be around much longer.
When we started sharing our secrets, there was no one else out there to compete with us. Now, we probably have thousands of competitors, most of whom no doubt learned how to start their businesses from us. (That’s something we can’t prove, of course — except to point out that we were there first.) At some point in the future, though, we won’t want to keep sharing our secrets. So if you have ever thought about taking advantage of this amazing way to make money, now is the time to act.
You have two choices:
You can go back and collect all the articles and essays we’ve published on info-net marketing in the last 10 years, study them, and then follow the strategy in an orderly way.
Or you can come to our unique teaching conference this July. In five days, you will be able to create and activate your own viable information publishing business on the Internet. You won’t have to have any prior knowledge or special skills. Just show up, and you will be given everything you need.
In five short days, ETR’s team of experts will walk you through…
- Setting up a fully functional website using the simple — and FREE — software that Early to Rise uses for its own websites…
- Coming up with an idea for your business, based on what you love and what your future customers are willing to pay for (You’ll discover four websites that can help you pick out the products they are already searching for.)…
- Narrowing down the many products you can create from a long list to the single best one…
- Testing your product idea — quickly and cheaply — with pay-per-click campaigns and other techniques…
- Establishing your own Early to Rise business model — using the same formula that helped Agora Inc. soar from approximately $1 million in online sales to $275 million in under 10 years…
Richard Mix came away from this event four years ago with the foundation for his first Web business (selling “designer” dog accessories). Today, he makes $5,000 to $10,000 a month from his online businesses, which now also include offering website development services to other aspiring entrepreneurs. “The ETR conference gave me everything I needed to get going in my own venture. All I had to provide was the nerve and the desire to make the leap,” says Richard.
Come with nothing to this year’s 5 Days in July conference… no website… no technical or marketing experience… no products… and leave five days later with an Internet business. It’s a bold promise, but one that the ETR team has fulfilled for the last four years.
[Ed. Note: Mark Morgan Ford was the creator of Early To Rise. In 2011, Mark retired from ETR and now writes the Palm Beach Letter. His advice, in our opinion, continues to get better and better with every essay, particularly in the controversial ones we have shared today. We encourage you to read everything you can that has been written by Mark.]