How To Create Your Product In A Weekend

Today is another one of our jam-packed 1-day Mastermind sessions. We’re holding it in scenic Denver, Colorado. Why Denver? Because tomorrow is our annual Toys for Tots drive. Last year me and my friends bought over $102,000 worth of toys to give to the US Marines for them to distribute to needy children in the…

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500 Calorie Ab and Cardio Workout

Well, I made an amazing dinner last night. It was one of my world-famous Ballantyne Burrito bowls. Oh, okay, by “making it” that means I told the crew at Chipotle what to put in it, but still, I was there to see everything get spooned into the container. Doesn’t that count as making dinner? It…

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4 Secrets To Making More Money For Years

November marked the 15th anniversary (!) of my first paid speaking gig. The topic was Off-Season Hockey Conditioning Training, and it was delivered at a National Strength & Conditioning Association event in Buffalo. A friend gave me a ride down from my college town of Hamilton, Ontario, but after the event I had to take…

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Truth About Wealth

It’s not over. The weekend continues… Yes, it’s still Black Friday weekend in America and I should be reminding you to have a Cyber Monday sale. But you know that. So even if you missed out on last week, do something now and sell-sell-sell on Cyber Monday. Now, more importantly, I want to teach you…

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20 Minute Metabolic Workout Doubles Calorie Burn

In 20 minutes, you could burn ___ calories while: a) Walking = 100 calories b) Jogging (or “Yogging”, LOL) = 200 calories at 5 mph (for a 185lbs person) c) Jogging = 140 calories at 5 mph (for a 125lbs person) d) Ellipticalling (is that a word?) = 175 calories (for a 150lbs person) Those…

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This Book Changed My Life

This is the time of year to count your blessings, right? Here’s a BIG one for me. I lucked out and stumbled across a simple, 15-minute strategy that has made me a better person. I’m happier, more patient, calmer, and much, much more appreciative of everything I have in my life. It’s the secret behind…

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12-Minute Black Friday Bodyweight Workout

No matter what happened yesterday, no matter what mistakes you feel you made, no matter what setbacks may have been dealt to you, no matter what obstacles you struggled with, today is a new day to start fresh, to return to your journey, to do what matters, to change what needs changing, to improve upon…

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Do NOT Do This Black Friday Workout

Did you know that a Black Friday shopping workout burns only 75 calories per hour, even if you superset Target with Wal-Mart? What’s worse is that if you follow that with a Metabolic-Mall Finisher of Taking the Escalator to the Food Court Visit for treats, you’ll actually “gain” 500 calories or more from that so-called…

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The Gift to Give to a Friend Today

Rancho Santana is one of my favorite places in the world. Set on Nicaragua’s Pacific Coast, it is well worth the long journey to get there. I hope that every ETR reader one day has the chance to sit at the open-air clubhouse and take in the gorgeous sunset while drinking a Corona and eating chips…

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How To Make $1000 On This Special Day

You know your seminar is going well when a pretty blond lady pulls you aside with a HUGE smile on your face. “We used your advice and had a Halloween sale,” she said, “And we made over $1000 in one day!” She was super excited because she followed my simple advice. And what was that?…

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