Posts by Craig Ballantyne
5 Rules For Promo Emails
You’ve got your product done. Your website is up. You even have lil’ ol’ email list. And that’s where the money is. So let’s give you the 5 PROVEN rules for creating an email that properly promotes your products and makes you some money. After all, that’s what you did all the hard work for,…
Read MoreMy Personal Weekend Message to You
Every day at 4am I sneak out of bed, no matter where I am in the world, sit down at my kitchen table or hotel room desk, and write 1000 to 2000 words for my first book. It’s about harnessing the Power of Your Personal Rules so that you have your best life ever. I’m…
Read More4-Step Secret to Success Plan
What do Ryan Deiss, Suze Ormand, Frank Kern, Ramit Sethi, Brendan Burchard, Jason Ferruggia, Mike Whitfield, Isabel De Los Rios, Vince DelMonte, and so many other world-famous experts have in common? They all have information products that allow them to help thousands – if not millions – of people worldwide. These info products make them…
Read More#1 Factor Email Marketing
Heeeeeey, Jimmy Vegas! He’s back. My good friend, Jimmy “Vegas” Sweeney, is here to tell you how to improve your email marketing. When you have the right subject line and the right link, you can send a ton of clicks to your offers. This is essential. It’s like the first date. It has to go…
Read MoreWhy The Ice Bucket Challenge Is a Waste of Your Time
There are many reasons you should not waste your time with the Ice Bucket Challenge. For one, I won’t do it because I don’t like being called out and told what to do. Second, it doesn’t look like a lot of fun (although from what I understand, that’s the point, to experience the momentary loss…
Read More4-Minute and 770 Rep Bodyweight Workouts
NOTE: There are only 3 days left to enter for your chance to win $1000 of my money in the 21st FREE Turbulence Training Transformation Contest. There is no cost to enter. Read the details and enter here. You’ll be glad to know that I’m joining you in doing the TT 12-Week Transformation. I’m not…
Read MoreMore Online Success Stories
I meant to send these… …on Monday because these success stories are even BETTER than those of Dr. Mark Costes and Dr. Peter Osborne. My top 3 coaching clients have achieved so much in just a few short years that you would call them rags-to-riches overnight sensations. They all run multi-million dollar companies – from…
Read MoreHow to Live Your Dream Lifestyle
On Monday I returned from the trip of a lifetime to Rome & Prague. It was my 5th “Trip of a Lifetime” in the past 14 months, including: 1) A 10-day journey to London, Barcelona, & Ibiza 2) My annual trip to Lithuania followed by a week in Croatia 3) 8-days exploring Florence & Tuscany…
Read More11 Secrets to Health and Happiness Success
It was a 15 hour journey on Monday, door to door, from my hotel in Prague to the front door of the Ballantyne family farm in Stratford, Ontario. I was lucky. The journey was smooth with no delays. There was a delicious airplane meal (yes, I said delicious airplane food!) of salmon, a salad, and…
Read MoreDoctor Makes More
You are in the right place. In November, you could be in an even better place. On the weekend of November 7-8th, 2014, Bedros Keuilian and I are running a 2-day Online Breakthrough Summit in Southern California. You’ll leave the weekend with a complete 30-day blueprint for online success. Does our coaching work? Ask these…
Read MoreHow to Deal with the Same Problems as Oprah and LeBron
One Monday morning, as I finished my breakfast, I overheard an interesting conversation on the radio between the co-hosts… Female Co-Host: Oprah’s in Toronto this week filming her show, but I guess you’re not a big fan? Male Co-Host: Ugh, Oprah. Can’t stand her. Actually, I guess she’s not so bad now. Female: Why don’t you mind her now? Male: Well,…
Read More7 Must Do Steps To Improve Copy
By the time you read this I’ll be on a plane from Prague to Frankfurt, or perhaps even on my 8-hour flight from there to Toronto. My annual trip to the in Europe is coming to an end. It was another unforgettable trip. I’ll tell you more about it in September…but today we focus…
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