7-Minute Belly Fat Burner Maximus Workout

If you want a workout to burn “Maximus” fat, then I have good news for you. Me and my friends Simon & Julian had a fun time last week in Lithuania and Italy creating advanced workouts and exercises. For example, they showed me “Pull-up Maximus“. It goes like this. Do 20 seconds of pull-ups, hold…

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Worst Affiliate Email Ever

This is pathetic and doesn’t work. Whatever you do, do NOT ever approach someone like this guy did…”What a LaRue”, as my friend Jason Ferruggia would say. Here’s what happened…last month I received this email from a stranger. The sender probably sent it to hundreds of people in my industry, but no one I know…

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Playing Up a Level in Life

When I just 16 years old I learned a valuable business – and life – lesson. It happened on a soccer field, and it involved two of my best friends (still to this very day), along with eight other guys that have also been lifelong mates. It was on a sunny September afternoon in my hometown…

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4-Minute Pushup Test Workout

It sure would have been nice if I could have stuffed this ONE piece of really cool equipment into my luggage. Unfortunately, there was no room for my TRX. If you’ve ever wondered how to do TRX workouts, or if you don’t know all 191 exercises go here: Get 27 TRX Workouts and 191 TRX…

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5 Lessons from ONE Word

I’ve been studying a lot of marketers these days (both online and offline) and it’s clear that many experts lack this one BIG thing more than anything else. It’s…   CONFIDENCE Here are 5 lessons from this powerful word. 1) You MUST have confidence when you describe your product and when you are persuading others…

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#1 Issue Under Your Skin

Down on William Street in my hometown of Stratford, Ontario, grand Victorian houses and emerald green lawns back on to the Avon river that cut the city in half. When the sun rose on a recent summer’s morning, a mist surrounded early morning strollers walking briskly on the banks, sidestepping the swans that call the river…

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10-Minute No-Equipment Bodyweight Circuit from Europe

If you want some new fat burning exercises to add to your routine, you’re going to love today’s free workout update. Last Friday afternoon, under dark and stormy skies here in Lithuania (a beautiful country that reminds me a lot like my hometown and farm in Southern Ontario), I put over 35 international college-aged kids…

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4-Minute Bodyweight Workout from Europe

Hey, it’s Craig Ballantyne here, creator of 6-Minutes to Skinny, the Home Workout Revolution program, and the classic fat burning program, Turbulence Training. I’ve left my good buddy, ol’ Bally the Dog, back on the Ballantyne farm in Canada and I’ve trekked thousands of miles to Lithuania for my annual trip to Europe. I love…

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2014 European Trip Bodyweight Workouts

My mental and bodyweight workout preparation for this trip to Europe and my 5th year at the www.BlackSmithCamp.com has taken decades. The camp, if you’ve never heard of it, occurs outside of Trakai, Lithuania each summer, and is dedicated to teaching these young folks about starting a business, living life on your own terms, and…

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How To Become An Online Celebrity

At our last 1-day Mastermind in Orange County, attendee Patrick Anderson told me, “The first workout product I bought online was Vince Del Monte’s program. That’s how I found out about you.” He’s not the first. In fact, one of my top success stories, Catherine Gordon, came from through the Vince Del Monte world first.…

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How to Turn Your Brain Off and Relax

My coaching client, let’s call her Jenny, had a dilemma. She was simultaneously the co-owner of a successful health publishing company and the mother of two boys under the age of three. Her company had experienced a meteoric rise from virtually no sales in 2008 to thousands of sales of her program per day, yet…

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