Posts by Craig Ballantyne
4-Minute Workout and 20-Minute Cardio Myth
One of the silliest CARDIO MYTHS that you hear in the gym is this: “You have to exercise for 20 minutes before you burn fat.” That’s ridiculous. It makes no sense. You are burning fat every single minute of every single day. Sometimes you are burning more fat than other times – like in the…
Read MoreProof Membership Sites Suck
Want to know how to build a fortune of $750 million? Well, if you’re Vince McMahon, you start with $1.5 billion and then make a bad decision! Presto – $750 million fortune. Here’s the deal from one my favorite websites, … Why the WWE Stock Has Crashed – and Cost Vince a Fortune Back…
Read More10 Minute Metabolic Booster
You are going to love this workout and FUNNY interval story today. Let’s get you started with a NO-equipment bodyweight-only workout to keep the fat burning all day long. I tested this one first thing Saturday morning after an eventful walk with ol’ Bally the Dog, my chocolate lab. 10-Minute Metabolism Booster – aka “Metabolic…
Read More5-minute ab circuit and 3 NO-diet HACKS to shed an inch in 7 days
Use this 5-minute circuit and 3 LifeHacks to lose an inch in the next 7 days. NEW research is here! The shocking results show that even WITHOUT dieting you can lose your belly. All you need to do is follow these 3 simple Lifehacks and use an easy 5-minute ab circuit to shed an inch…
Read MoreTruth About Online Partnerships
Many people fail in business partnerships. It can be a dangerous rocky road. I struggled with my first few attempts at it. But today almost everything I do is with a partner – or two. From ETR to the Mastermind I run with Bedros. The right partner can make you a lot of money.…
Read More5 Ab Exercises That Burn 15 Calories Per Minute
If you’re trying to lose weight, here’s where you are going WRONG. According to the website, FitDay, jogging at 6mph burns just over 8 calories per minute. And here’s more bad news => Jogging does NOT have an AFTERBURN. So if you exercise for 20 minutes, you burn just a measly 160 calories. All that…
Read MoreGoogle is Destroying Your Future
This is really BAD news if you still have a job. If you’re a teacher, a personal trainer, an IT worker, a factory employee, a nurse, or even a DOCTOR, than I hope that you’re at least over 50, have an amazing work pension program, and a nifty little retirement nest egg stashed away… …because…
Read MoreHow to Really Matter in Life
A friend of mine has a tattoo that says, “You are what you do when it counts.” Last Friday you read the story of The Two Marines, Corporal Jonathan Yale and Lance Corporal Jordan Haerter, who stood strong in the path of a truck bomb. Their actions and ultimate sacrifice saved the lives of 150 men. I…
Read More3 Meals Never to Eat
Today you are going to learn 3 meals NEVER to eat. Over to guest expert, nutrition expert Dani Woodrum, Master Certified Turbulence Trainer… 3 Meals Never to Eat By Dani Woodrum, MCTT If you’re not losing fat, chances are you’re getting tricked by these three common fat traps. It’s not your fault. Fitness and nutrition…
Read MoreFrom Broke to $4k Online
This is what you’ve been asking for… …because many readers have told me, “Craig, I want more REAL-world success stories of people just like me that started from scratch and are now making a 2nd paycheck online. Stop bragging about your business and your friends like Joel Marion. That doesn’t seem possible for me yet.…
Read MoreMy 12 Rules for Living (updated)
The one thing I admire about people who have strong nutrition beliefs is their dogmatic behavior. For example, a Paleo eater, under no circumstances, will ever eat Wonder Bread. There is no, “well, everyone else is having a PB&J on Wonder bread, so just this once, I will too.” That’s not how it works. Not…
Read MoreHow To Sell With Stories
Are you making this common mistake/ Are you hiding your success stories? Are you using weak testimonials? Are you using “John D.” instead of their full name? If so, it’s probably not helping you at all. Here’s what Dan Kennedy has to say about it… “People botch the use of testimonials constantly. The dumbest mistake…
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