Posts by Craig Ballantyne
Be Willing and You Will Be a Master
Gladwell, as I’m sure you’ve read, claims that you need to put in 10,000 hours to become an expert. But who has the time now, especially at this stage in life, to dedicate 1,250 working days to becoming an expert at something new, no matter how valuable it is? Fortunately, there are a few ways…
Read More10-Minute Two Exercise Workouts
Stuck in Independence, Ohio, last Friday, I was attending a meeting that started at 7:30am and ended at 9:45pm. There was an hour for lunch and dinner. I had to workout at 4:35am. The TV news isn’t even on at that time! This put me off my schedule big time. The workout had to be…
Read MoreHow Turbulence Training Saved One Man’s Life
Yes, I know, this sounds over-dramatic. And no, I’m not that egotistical…but please, read the letter below from Pastor Ewen. These are his words, not mine. It goes to show you how you can change your life if you take ACTION. This is why we do what we do at Turbulence Training! “I want to…
Read MoreWealth Update: Rule #18
The last time I saw him he looked terrible. It was the summer of 2007 on the streets of Toronto. Scott R., a personal trainer I had worked with, looked as though he had just pulled an all-nighter. And he almost had been. He’d been up training clients since 5am, and hadn’t finished until 9pm…
Read MoreSurprise Invitation
The seminar starts in about 10 minutes so I have to rush off to the ballroom. I’m at Dan Kennedy’s “Wealth Attraction” even in beautiful (<= sarcasm) Independence, Ohio. I know that just one BIG idea from Dan will be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars in my life (just like the Virtual Mastermind idea…
Read MoreFree Coaching
If you need some free coaching, here’s the man to give it to you today…since I’m on another flight. This time I’m headed from San Diego through LAX all the way over to Cleveland. Interesting weekend coming up. So that’s why we have Rick Kaselj stepping in today to coach you. Hopefully you all know…
Read More6 Minute Workout Finisher
In this free 6-Minute Workout Finisher, you’ll burn your belly fat without any equipment at all. I meant to teach this Workout Finisher on Saturday morning at the TT Summit, but our bootcamp session got hi-jacked by famous high-energy California trainer, Todd Durkin. So instead of doing a bootcamp with me, TT attendees trained with…
Read MoreThe One Quote That Changed My Life
Her drink of choice was Johnny Walker Gold. Famous in the New York Arts Community for holding New Year’s Day parties for her extended family of writers, dancers, and singers at her old Brownstone home in Harlem, she lived and laughed and loved. Even up to her dying day, she was still planning one last…
Read More#1 Skill You Need
Excuse me for being a little preachy today, but I’m all fired up from the amazing TT Summit weekend we just had down in San Diego. I was in FULL preacher mode for my big talk on Friday morning, and it’s time to keep the momentum going with you. Time for you to STEP-Up. Let…
Read More10 Minute No Equipment Surprise Bodyweight Workout
NO ONE expected this surprise. The crowd gasped. The men cheered, the ladies teared up, and everyone grabbed their phones to take photos. This was an amazing moment at the 4th Turbulence Training Fitness Summit as young Brian Kalakay surprised his girlfriend (now fiance!) Kristen by proposing on-stage. What a huge surprise and just one…
Read MoreStep By Step Starter Kit
Here’s a great sales lesson for you. My friend Joel ran a 20%-off “Moving Sale” on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. This email promo resulted in their biggest day ever. You should have seen this email because I’ve told you many times to be on his email list. The promo email was simple and…
Read MorePumpup Email For You
Well it’s Friday the 13th and I’m stuck in tiny Independence, Ohio at a Dan Kennedy seminar on Wealth Attraction. Fortunately the content is fantastic and I’ve spent the last 36 hours identifying BIG ideas & opportunities for both my life and business. I’m pumped. And so I want to bring you one of my…
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