Posts by Craig Ballantyne
Grow A Pair And Read This Book
This is the #1 book that America needs right now. It’s from an American Pit Bull, a no-nonsense success coach that might even get under your skin. But it’s for your own good. And so is his book. You need it. I need it. America needs it. The world needs it. Listen to my free…
Read MoreFormer Fat Man Finishes His Fat Loss Journey
Another interception. The fat “Coach” was livid. Outraged, he threw down his video game controller. Yep, “Coach” was playing “Madden”, the popular football video game. And while he was mad to be losing the game, things were about to get worse. As he looked down to the ground for his controller, reality punched him in…
Read MoreInsane Guru Interview
I recently interviewed a strange, reclusive, and borderline insane Internet Marketing Guru. Yes, that’s right, I interviewed the legendary Braigz CallEntyne. You do not want to miss this call or the insane rants that Braigz goes off on. He covers everything about building a successful online business to the ONE skill that most people are…
Read MoreSprinting For Fat Loss
Sprinting For Fat Loss – By Niall Traynor Who doesn’t want the enviable body of a sprinter? Six-pack abs, lean from top to bottom, and whether a man or a woman, sprinters always seem to have muscle and shape in all the right places. Sprint training consists of a series of sprint drills, done typically…
Read MoreThe Pitbull of Personal Development
In part 1 of this two part interview series, I introduced to you Larry Winget who is a professional motivational speaker. He is a member of the International Speaker Hall Of Fame. Larry is a regular contributor on many news shows on the topics of money, personal success and business. To listen to the call…
Read MoreInterview With Larry Winget – America’s Pitbull of Personal Development
Larry Winget is the trademarked Pitbull of Personal Development and is a five time New York Times/Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author. He was the star of A&E’s Big Spender, has been featured in national radio and television commercials and can currently be seen as a regular on many television news programs as a personal development,…
Read MoreBe Inspired
What follows is a true story representing the power of the Mastermind, a BIG idea, and exceptional execution all rolled into one. Be inspired. Then go spend 10 minutes thinking about your BIG idea and who YOU need to connect with at our next ETR event – or 1-Day Mastermind! That’s where these success story…
Read More7 things never to do in your workout
The stench of stale fart held heavy in the air of the gym when I walked in. But here’s the funny part… There were only two little old ladies and a 60-year old guy in the area. It was clearly the guy…he was doing crunches and some weird reverse pike move bringing his knees back…
Read MoreProof that WHO you know matters more
“Who you know matters more than what you know, because when you know the right who, they will teach you the right what.” – Dr. Ballanseuss Today, proof, directly from a Virtual Mastermind Success Story. – Craig *********** Lessons Of Connection By Nick Pineault It’s still hard for me to believe it. I’ve made more…
Read MoreFemale Success Story Part 2
It was all the way back in the fall of 2009 that this positive, awesome, lovely lady joined our Mastermind group. Since then she’s earned her reputation as the Info Mother Hen. She nurtures new members, supports them all, and takes them under her wing. Like Mastermind member Ben Teal, I’ve watched her go through…
Read MoreLive Like You Were Dying
It was an odd place for deep conversation. I ran into my friend Rob in the hallway at a large Internet Marketing seminar. “Hey Rob,” I greeted him with enthusiasm, “It’s been a long time.” “Craig,” he said with hesitation, “I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch lately, but my mother passed away.” “Oh Rob,…
Read MoreHealthy Ingredient Sucker Punching Your Pancreas
Grrrrrr. This ingredient make Craig angry like frustrated caveman. It sneaks in so many so-called ‘health” foods, ruining them…like Almond milk, pasta sauce, protein bars, and even our beloved almond butter! It’s cane syrup. Evaporated cane juice. Cane goo. But that is just plain old sugar. And sugar destroys your fat loss efforts and your…
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