Posts by Craig Ballantyne
Real Healthy Caveman Chocolate Chunk Cookies
Last December, at our Toys for Tots charity event in Denver, my good friend Diana Keuilian gave me a box of her famous “Caveman Cookies”. That was dangerous. I gave a lot of them away to the hotel staff at the Four Seasons because those cookies are so addictive … yet really, really healthy. Make…
Read MoreSuccess QnA is back
So the other morning, while in Denver, my business partner Matt Smith waves a flyer in the air excitedly. “It’s back,” he says with great enthusiasm. I look closely. I groan. The McRib is back in Denver. LOL. No thanks. But, I do have good news. Internet Independence QnA is also back! It’s been…
Read MoreWhy You Must Choose This Person Over All Others
We are lucky. You and I have the power of choice in our lives. We have the power to control our future, to own our days, to strive for success, and to take the right action every single minute of every single day to move closer to our goals. But you and I must make…
Read More10.5 Reasons You Need Turbulence Training
Are you cursed? Are you struggling? Are you ticked off at this? Do you exercise a LOT, eat too little, and not get the results you deserve? It’s time to change that. And the latest science – and my cutting-edge Turbulence Training workouts – will give you the exact blueprint you need to finally lose…
Read MoreHow to Quadruple Your Post-Exercise Calorie Burn
I don’t know how my friend Alwyn Cosgrove does it, but he always seems to find the most cutting-edge fat burning studies before me. And in our epic, 10-year battle to find the latest research and send it to each other, he may have recently found the best study yet. More important, this study is…
Read MoreHeartbreaking and Heartwarming Stories
I couldn’t believe the news. It’s gone. Burned to the ground. Wiped off the face of the Earth. Isn’t it crazy how life turns out? Let me explain… Last Tuesday I wrote to you about how my mom and I (and Bally the Dog) went on a trip down memory lane to a nearby Farmer’s…
Read MoreEveryone Needs This Person in Their Life
Everyone needs a coach. Even coaches. I hire coaches, seek out mentors, and will never quit being a student. One of my coaches is my business partner, Matt Smith. He holds me accountable every day (we use an online tool called to update our progress). He calls me out and questions me anytime he…
Read MoreFitness QnA About Crossfit and Fat Loss
I do this EVERY day, and you should too. Each morning, between 8:30am and 11:30am EST, I drop by Facebook (to use it productively, of course!). That’s where I host a fitness QnA session and answer ALL of your workout questions, like these ones that included controversial questions and answers about Crossfit, how to build…
Read MoreThe Turbulence Training Nutrition Plan
We are back today with Mike Whitfield creator of and I shared a little with you in Part 2 why Turbulence Training is so successful and the different programs that works for all athletic levels. So if you missed it jump back to read more. To listen to the call click here **********************************************…
Read MoreSomething Special in Denver
So there are only 2 spots left. And I asked Bedros Keuilian to “hit my readers with his best shot” to get them to finally take action towards the life of their dreams. Read this and then make the right decision to change your life. Why You Need to Be in Denver – By Bedros…
Read MoreHow to Save Two Hours a Day
Hit snooze and lose. Do that, and you’ve already lost the day. For the day is won in the morning. If you don’t get off to a good start, you’ll never have a chance to catch up. Right now you’re getting buried in minutiae, aren’t you? Or at least that’s how you feel. So many…
Read Morefreeeeeedom
Remember when Mel Gibson yells that in Braveheart? I believe he yelled that while being disemboweled, making it an all-the-more impressive feat. 🙂 Now while most people are taking a holiday today (Labor Day, here in North America), I’m actually laboring (I guess I misunderstood the holiday…why you no labor on labor day? I’m working…
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