Posts by Craig Ballantyne
Healthy Fat Loss Dessert
This is better than ice cream, and it’s probably the only time I’ll even encourage you to eat dessert for breakfast. Now if you’re like me, you probably love eating a big dinner. Most nights I have a large piece of fish or steak along with a mountain of vegetables. And then I follow that…
Read MoreBest “Binge-Eating” Avoidance Tip
What’s your best “binge-eating” avoidance tip? I know that sometimes the most important thing for fat loss is to simply stay out of harms way. Rather than focusing on being a perfect eater and trying to lower your calories, just make sure you don’t put yourself in any situations where you overdo it. Below I…
Read MoreBest Weekend Workout Tip
Hey, happy weekend! Can I ask you to do me one quick favor before I give you an awesome tip to cut your workout time? Thanks so much (in advance)! Here’s the deal…the 17th TT Transformation Contest just wrapped up and now it’s your chance to choose who wins my $$$. Please vote for the…
Read MoreFeel Good Success Story
I wish you could have been there. It was November of 2007 and according to others in the “fitness business industry”, I had pulled off a small miracle by getting 53 personal trainers into a $2500 seminar. They were there to learn how I built my online business. It was the first time I had…
Read MoreSix Exercise Ab and Core Training Circuit
Hey, Craig Ballantyne here with an incredible six exercise ab and core training circuit for you. But none of these exercises are boring crunches or sit-ups. Those will wreck your back and your neck. So instead you are going to use these exercises: Within these 6 exercises, I’ve included 3 that are essential to helping…
Read More3 Diet Mistakes You Make at Dinner
This picture is hilarious… …we’ll get to it in a second, but first I have to teach you about the #1 dinner mistake you are making (then I’ll give you a bonus workout tip to finish off…) The other night my good friend Joel Marion came into town, and last night we went to a…
Read MoreDynamic Warm Up for Accelerated Results
Dynamic Warm Up for Accelerated Results – By: Jason Klein, CTT, NASM-CPT, PES, CES Imagine this scenario: You, driving around in New York City for the first time, lost and intimidated out of your mind by the insanely fast pace of traffic. Let’s just say that your car happens to be without a seatbelt, so…
Read MoreMaximize Your Money by Working Smarter
When I was sixteen I would work all day long at my job in a local garden center, sweating profusely in the hot sun as I helped lay concrete, dig trenches, and paint equipment. Then, twice per week, after biking home, I’d refuel and drive 90 minutes to play soccer in the big city of…
Read MoreAdvanced Bodyweight Exercises For Busy Schedules
In Part 2 Dwood shared with us how he incorporates density training with his programs and why they work so well with his clients. Today he’ll take us through a three-minute workout round. ****************************** Mike: Now speaking of results, let’s talk a little about some of the results that your clients have gotten using…
Read MoreHow To Improve Yourself
Here’s one of the most important motivational quotes you’ll ever hear. It’s from American author and poet, Maya Angelou, who said… “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Wow. That’s powerful. And it’s true. Don’t you think…
Read MoreBest Time of Day to Exercise
Do you know what the best and worst magazines are for fitness and nutrition information? My votes go for: Best: Men’s Health magazine – There’s no other magazine that delivers so many research-proven workouts from top trainers along with scientific, evidence-based nutrition and exercise summaries. I take a page or two of notes, references, and…
Read MoreYou Will Never Get This Back
I screwed up again. But on the bright side, I realized that my mistake gives me a chance to teach you an important life lesson. So let me set the scene… It was a gorgeous, hot summer’s day. The perfect day to be on holiday in Europe, without a cloud in the sky as I…
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