Posts by Craig Ballantyne
The Best Personal Trainer Certification
Have you ever met the expert that created your certification? What did you think of Mr. ACSM? Mary Can-Fit Pro? Or Joe NSCA? And whoa, that Bob NASM sure is a crazy ol’ son of a gun, isn’t he? Haha, of course you haven’t met these characters. They don’t exist. Those certifications are just big…
Read MoreMake Money Fast
Readers love to know what my day is like, and I’m happy to share it with you. But I warn you, it’s NOT normal. Then again, normal, quite frankly, sucks. I’ve always hated normal. Normal people weird me out. And likely they don’t “get me”. Oh well, no loss. Back to what matters… A typical…
Read MoreThe Perfect Day Starts Here
Friday, 4:15pm. You shutdown your computer and say to yourself, “That’s enough. I’ll get an early start on this first thing Monday morning.” Famous last words, right? While you might have the best of intentions, what really happens is that you spend the next 48 hours completely off your normal schedule. Some of the activities…
Read MoreNew Twists on “Old School” Exercises
New Twists on “Old School” Exercises by Brian Kalakay, So many times we train or participate in a program and you use the same handful of basic exercises every session. Sure there are some variations that you can do with them, but essentially it “feels” the same. This is one of the reasons why people…
Read MoreTruth Behind Mike Whitfield's Failure
Today’s a travel day out to San Diego for… …this weekend’s 3rd Turbulence Training Summit with over 165 attendees. I’m stoked that we’ve doubled attendance from last year, and thanks to our guest speakers, this year is going to be at least 4x’s better than 2012. TT Trainer of the Year 2012, Mike Whitfield, will…
Read MoreSplit Testing Tips
Some days my inbox gets flooded with cool updates from one of the two “google group split testing masterminds” that I am in. Each group has about 10 mega-successful internet marketers in it (from all different types of industries) and we share split-testing data. You might go weeks without hearing from anyone, and then suddenly,…
Read MoreThe Growth Hormone Workout
Yesterday morning, as I cycled to the local YMCA to train, I passed by the site of the grizzliest workout I ever did back when I was seventeen (it was a very good year…sing it with me). The infamous workout was done at my high-school on the track. Our soccer coach had us run eight…
Read MoreHow to Read and Achieve More
At the end of 2012 I was disappointed with how few books I was able to read over the year. I resolved to find a way to finish more. The trouble was that on a day-to-day basis I was already spending hours reading. My daily reading included essays (my own and others submitted to ETR),…
Read MoreWhy You Must Dream Big
The first few hours of my morning are pure bliss. I arise early and sneak down to the kitchen table in my loft apartment. The sixteen feet ceilings and windows to the south help to free up space in my heart and my mind as I go about my daily routine. I sit at the…
Read More3 Best Dynamic Bodyweight Ab Exercises
You want my best exercises? That’s what you’re going to get in a series of new articles dedicated to the TOP moves for each body part. We’re going to start with the 3 best dynamic bodyweight ab exercises. No weights needed. I’ve even put them all together in one circuit in my latest and greatest…
Read MoreThe TT Grindhouse Workout Will Burn
“What makes you grind? You have to always be chasing something.” – Ray Lewis Back in February, as I watched Ray Lewis play his final game in the NFL, I became fascinated with “#grinding” approach to training and competition. It inspired this incredible new workout program called, “TT Grindhouse“. Here’s what TT Members are saying…
Read MoreBootcamp Games and Instructor Needed
Whew, just 6 days to go! And then we’ll all be at the TT Summit doing bootcamps on the rooftop of the hotel overlooking beautiful San Diego. Hope to see you there! In the meantime, I have a BIG opportunity for you and a free gift. First, the gift. Did you see these videos yet?…
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