Why You Must Dream Big

The first few hours of my morning are pure bliss. I arise early and sneak down to the kitchen table in my loft apartment. The sixteen feet ceilings and windows to the south help to free up space in my heart and my mind as I go about my daily routine. I sit at the…

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3 Best Dynamic Bodyweight Ab Exercises

You want my best exercises? That’s what you’re going to get in a series of new articles dedicated to the TOP moves for each body part. We’re going to start with the 3 best dynamic bodyweight ab exercises. No weights needed. I’ve even put them all together in one circuit in my latest and greatest…

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The TT Grindhouse Workout Will Burn

“What makes you grind?  You have to always be chasing something.” – Ray Lewis Back in February, as I watched Ray Lewis play his final game in the NFL, I became fascinated with “#grinding” approach to training and competition. It inspired this incredible new workout program called, “TT Grindhouse“. Here’s what TT Members are saying…

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Bootcamp Games and Instructor Needed

Whew, just 6 days to go! And then we’ll all be at the TT Summit doing bootcamps on the rooftop of the hotel overlooking beautiful San Diego. Hope to see you there! In the meantime, I have a BIG opportunity for you and a free gift. First, the gift. Did you see these videos yet?…

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How to Write Better

I remember my first Mastermind meeting like it was yesterday. It was at a swanky hotel in the wealthy Washington suburb of Bethesda. To get there, you had to drive past a seemingly never-ending row of all the high-end shops, from Louis Vuitton to Bulgari and Hermes. Of course, you stopped before reaching the 4-H…

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Favorite Nutrition Sayings

Two of my favorite nutrition tips are: “Eat only one ingredient foods” and “avoid anything that comes in a bag or a box”. What are your favorite simple nutrition tips? Answer below. ************************* “Moment on the lips lifetime on the hips” – Charlie If it comes from a plant, it’s okay. If it’s made in…

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The Power of Delay

As a child, I spent every Sunday morning at First St. John’s Lutheran Church. Each week, our family would go through the same routine. It started with a bath, followed by my mom painfully combing the ‘tangles’ out of my naturally curly hair. She’d then dress me in my Sunday best, and my uncle would…

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Best Fitness Apps

I’m a techno dunce and don’t use any fitness apps but according to Turbulence Training readers, these are the best fitness apps.. ******** Hey Craig! The best device would be a Polar heart rate monitor. The fuel band doesn’t work to well with measuring MRT type training.. See ya at TT Summit! – Joseph I…

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New Email Rules

A couple of years ago, our buddy Joel Marion gave a killer presentation at Yanik Silver’s UnderGround Online Seminar. In fact, he won marketer of the year for his secrets on “How to Write an Email, Press Send, and Make Money“. If you want to make money like Joel Marion does, you need to become…

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Better Internet Business

You see this everywhere right now, though you might not realize it. Ryan Deiss does a lot of it. As do I. So does Vince Del Monte , Mike Geary, Jeff Siegel (from BeyondDiet.com), and even my old buddy Jason Ferruggia is getting into it… It’s called being a Publisher. When you become a publisher…

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Old School Way

It was my final night in Munich. Most of our group had already left on long voyages back to America, but a few us had remained behind,spending one more day checking out the sights in this beautiful – and remarkably clean – German city. At dinner that night, in the basement of the Bayerischer Hofhotel,…

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