What I Would Do If I Were a Young Person Today

(NOTE: By young, I’m referring to anyone with a pulse and that still wants to add value to the world. This advice truly knows no age limits.) I’m a lucky man. I was born at the right time in the right place to the right parents under the right circumstances. I grew up relatively poor,…

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Truth About Caffeine and Coffee

Are you consuming an unsafe amount of caffeine each day? The FDA thinks that you might. If fact, I watched one guy almost overdose on caffeine last Friday morning. My flight to New York City’s JFK airport got in around 10am. After a cab ride into Manhattan, I found out that my hotel room wouldn’t…

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Why Cardio Sucks: Part 513

I think this headline from the Wall Street Journal says it all…   Cardio is over-rated. And not only is too much of it probably dangerous for your heart, but cardio really doesn’t work for fat loss. Plus, it takes up too much time. So what’s better? Many forms of interval and metabolic training. The…

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Abdominal Contraction Training

There are 3 words you need to know in order to get great abs. Stretch. Contract. Stability. Let me explain – and then I’ll give you a workout. You need to choose exercises that stretch the abs (eccentrically loading them – that’s what causes soreness) and then forcefully contract the abs back to the start…

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Core Conditioning Circuit

My core is stronger than ever, thanks to a few key exercises. This despite having a major back injury back in 2009 that even prevented me from running more than 50 meters without a shooting pain going up my back. (This was really, really embarrassing.) These days, thanks to a greater emphasis on mobility, core…

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Hiring Again

We need a new Apprentice. My Director of Marketing, Amy Dodd, is getting way too busy because we have so many amazing projects on the go. As are Mike Whitfield and Gary “The ETR Copywriter”, two of my other apprentices. With all of my businesses growing so fast, it’s time to find a new Godfather’s…

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Burn 20 Calories Per Minute

I love/hate this piece of equipment. It was something I used all the time back in the summers of 2007 and 2008. You see, back then I was spending a lot time out on the old farm hanging out with my dad while he was sick. Almost every day we’d hop in my ol’ Nissan…

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Why I Failed at my Goal

On Christmas Day, I was just like you. Overfed, a little overwhelmed with the non-stop visiting and eating, and already looking forward to making some changes in the New Year. It was late that afternoon, while on an extra long dog walk that I sketched out my plan to join you in the Early To…

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Fight for the Fitness Industry

Dear Colleague, It’s time to raise the bar. It’s time to get people to take the role of “Personal Trainer” as seriously as you and I take our roles every single day. When the average person thinks of a personal trainer, they often picture a washed-up bodybuilder in windpants and holding a clipboard, counting reps…

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Advanced Bodyweight Workout for You

Yesterday afternoon, even though I had a full belly from a delicious gluten-free banana bread (recipe below), ol’ Bally the Dog and I went for a long walk out on the farm. He did some sprints, some swimming in the river, and some jumps. Pretty good workout for him – but not as good as…

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Gluten-Free Banana Bread with Almond Flour

Today you’re going to get a gluten-free banana bread recipe. It uses almond flour, a truly gluten-free flour (not like rice flour). But first, a story… There we we were, me and my best buddy of more than 30 years, sitting at a Toronto Blue Jays game on Tuesday night. Ten years ago we would…

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