Posts by Craig Ballantyne
Four-Day Training For Building Your Back
In part 3 we talked about building muscle and getting a lean body like the Men’s Health look. One of the hardest things to do is to figure out your training priority and ways to stick with it. Today, I share with how to prioritize your four-day workouts system. To listen to the call click…
Read MoreStimulate Your Fat Loss Program
My buddy Brian Kalakay and I recently the filmed of the New Home Revolution Workout at his gym, “Xtreme Results” located in Michigan. If you want some new ideas to run boot camps classes then check out his recent program 31 Done-For-You Boot Camp Games. Ok, in part 2 of this interview series we discussed…
Read MoreBest Way to Send Emails
Another busy travel week for ol’ CB. Just got back from Tampa and now it’s off to Washington, D.C. for Underground 9. So I’m handing over today’s column to everyone’s favorite pancake conoisseur Mikey “P-Cakes” Whitfield for great advice on writing emails to your readers. Thanks Mikey! Email Your Readers Like They are Your Best…
Read MoreNew Workout Methods
Rise and Grind. I’m seeing this phrase everywhere thanks to Ray Lewis, the now retired, current SuperBowl Champion legend. Grinding is a great way to train…sometimes. So you have Ray Lewis to thank for the new TT Grindhouse workouts that I’m currently developing. I did a few of them this weekend down here at Joel…
Read MoreBurn Fat or Gain Muscle With Bodyweight Training
What can you do in four minutes……. Jump back to part 1, of this exert interview series with Brian Kalakay of Xtreme Results, to find more about the four-minute body weight workout from the New Home Revolution Workout. Today, Brain and I will discuss the different types of workout to help you get the body…
Read MoreUse these numbers to make more money
Back in the spring of 2006, I began working with Tom Venuto on what would eventually be an epic breakthrough in my Turbulence Training business. Those lessons have since trickled down to you, so should you ever see Tom (and good luck on that because he never goes to events anymore), make sure wo thank…
Read MoreThe Little Book That Changed His Life
A few weeks ago I became embarrassed, almost ashamed. No one else knew about my behavior, but it made me feel like a hypocrite, given all that I’ve preached to ETR readers about time management and productivity. You see, I had been disrespecting my morning Magic Time. I had strayed from my rule of writing…
Read MoreFour Minute Workouts vs. Slow Cardio
I recently had a great call with Certified Turbulence Trainer and the the creator of Boot Camp Games, Brian Kalakay that I would like to share with you. To listen to the call click here *************** Brian: Hey you guys. What’s going on? Brian Kalakay, Certified Turbulence Trainer, here with my coach and mentor, Mr.…
Read MoreListen to this
In these last few weeks there have been some huge weights lifted off my shoulders. Whew. It’s finally all come together. First of all, the Transformation Contest registration has ended with 47,641 total entries. As I told the ETR team, that’s pretty darn fantastic. The town where I grew up only had a population of…
Read MoreBurn Fat Like A Warrior
At the beginning of this interview series, I introduced Martin Rooney to you. The man with SUPER HIGH ENERGY and super busy. To find out his secret, I would recommend jumping back to part 6 of this expert interview series. Click here to listen to the call. ****************** Craig: Let’s talk nutrition. You said there…
Read MoreHow to be a Thought Leader with a Golden Gun
Depending on which list you read, Scaramonga, otherwise known as the title character in “The Man With the Golden Gun,” is the 9th ranked Bond Villain of all time. A deadly assassin with a trademarked weapon, he considers killing Bond to be the pinnacle of achievement. Through a series of adventures gone awry on the…
Read MoreTRX Ab Blasting Superset
So glad you loved yesterday’s killer core training circuit. Yesterday I did those three moves but got a little addicted to the TRX so I through in one more ab blasting superset. You’re going to love this one, too. It all starts with my new favorite #1 ab exercise. I first tried this one out…
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