Posts by Craig Ballantyne
Most Under-Rated Component of Fat Loss Programs
Title: Most Under-Rated Component of Fat Loss Programs By Kate Vidulich Last Sunday, I witnessed a frightening scene in the gym. First of all, I saw myself in the mirror at the gym on a Sunday morning! You see, a few years ago my Sunday mornings were reserved for “hangover recovery time.” Not any more…
Read MoreCore Circuit Training
Wow, with this new Hawk-like vision that I have thanks to last week’s LASIK surgery, I feel like a superhero. My training and nutrition are going great. My dairy-free experiment is making a difference, and I have a ton of all-day energy even though I don’t drink caffeine. Things are rocking, except… I just feel…
Read More3 Advanced Tips to Accelerate Fat Loss
3 Advanced Tips to Accelerate Fat Loss – By Kate Vidulich How can you increase your workout awesomeness without spending more time training or any fancy equipment? Here are my top 3 advanced tips for accelerating your fat loss results: 1. Manipulate the Time This tip has two parts – so I guess I’m cheating…
Read MorePurpose Driven Business
I recently started meditating. In fact, it’s been just 15 days, but I’ve stuck to it, every day. There were many times in the past that I’ve tried to take up this habit, but this time I know it’s going to stick. Like the pig in an American breakfast, I’m committed. Fortunately, ETR’s Publisher and…
Read MoreHow to Deal With Criticism
I’ve never been to a bullfight, but I can’t imagine it’s much different than many of the scientific research conferences that I’ve attended. Let me set the scene for you. At these research conferences, a brave soul wanders up on stage in a nondescript hotel ballroom, explains their recent study (often awkwardly stumbling through a…
Read MoreShut Up Craig and Take Your Own Advice
On Friday I had some minor surgery. Why? Because I finally listened to a little voice (growing every louder) that kept on yelling at me, “Shut Up Craig and take your own advice!” I know, I know, that sounds a little weird. So let me explain in this week’s personal note to you, because there’s…
Read MoreImportant Muscle Building Tip – Recovery
The Training for Warriors system uses a few metabolic conditioning sessions to get people the results they are looking for. You can jump back to Part 5, of this interview series to see Martin’s recommendation for how much you should train on a daily basis or weekly basis. One of the biggest workout excuses we…
Read More3 Simple Steps to Writing Copy
Last month in Miami, after Bedros and I had completely restructured the businesses of five info-marketing pioneers, we each launched into a one-hour teaching session. First, Bedros gave each attendee a traffic-generation checklist, showing them how to get free traffic from Youtube, blogging, and SEO. Next up, I walked them through a simple copywriting formula. …
Read More15-Minute Ballantyne’s Day Bodyweight Circuit Workout
Happy Ballantyne’s Day. LOL. Did you know that Saint Ballantyne is the official patron saint of fat burning and intense workouts. On Ballantyne’s Day, he banishes belly fat by making you work really, really hard. That’s why everyone loves him! Well, at least I *think* they do. If you don’t – yet – then maybe…
Read MoreFuture of Sales Letters
The other day over on the Virtual Mastermind forum we had a lively conversation about the future of sales letters. Some members are really excited about “pretty new infographic style” salesletters. They think they “look better”, and in their minds, that means they will work better too. But history is not on their side. Time…
Read MoreOptimum Training For Fat Loss
If you like workout challenges then jump back to part 4, of this expert interview series with the creator of the Hurricane Training System. Click here to listen to the call. ********************************* Craig: Let’s switch it up and talk about your Training for Men articles that you’ve been doing recently. We’re going to totally switch…
Read MoreBest Time to Eat Carbs to lose fat
One of the most common nutrition “myths’ is that carbs make you fat. The TRUTH is that you can eat a LOT of carbs and stay lean, just like Shaun Hadsall and myself. So the great news is that you can even have cheat days and never have to worry about storing carbs as fat.…
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