Healthy Chocolate Shake

Yesterday after 4 straight hours of follow-along bodyweight TT interval style workouts (including hundreds of burpees, pushups, pullups, squats, and even “The Punisher X” circuit), I drove the 2 hours and 15 minutes from the gym in Lapeer, Michigan back to the farm to hang with ol’ Bally the Dog. After a walk down by…

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Advice on Books and Affiliates

Rpid fire QnA today because you`ve sent me in so many great questions. Enjoy. Q: What books are you reading at the moment or would recommend? – Vijay Answer: Right now I’m reading “Turning Pro” by Steven Pressfield, “10X” by Grant Cardone, “Great Leads” by Michael Masterson, All Quiet on the Western Front, and a…

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3 Exercises That Flush Fat

You’re in for a treat.  Today I’m off to Michigan to film hours and hours of follow along finisher workouts with Certified Turbulence Trainers, Mike Whitfield and Brian Kalakay. It’s going to be really painful filming workout after workout, and I’ll be super-sore tomorrow and Sunday. But it will all be worth it because soon…

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Niche Market Domination

Two slicked up, oil-covered, speedo wearing bodybuilders are not the typical kind of guys that you would consider to be my mentors. But I’m proud to call Vince Del Monte and Ben Pakulski not just friends of mine, but teachers. You want to talk about passion? You want examples of integrity? You want men of…

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NASA Workout Challenge

That’s right, I’m training an astronaut. My client, a 33-year old cardiologist (who makes Doogie Howswer look old!) justtraveled down to Houston for a NASA workout challenge. (And yes, all I can picture is that Simpson’s episode where Homer gets in the machine at NASA and spins around and around. Ha.) But here’s the workout…

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How to Eat Cookies and Lose Fat

What happens when you lock a goofy Canadian fitness expert and eight delicious cookies in a hotel room? Well, you get an empty cookie box, that’s for sure. Let me tell you an embarrassing story, and what I did to stay lean after the damage was done. Last weekend I was down in the beautiful…

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Truth About Online Marketing

It was 5:45 pm on Saturday afternoon. The audience – perhaps you included – had been through an incredible day, learning about Big Ideas, Success Stories, Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Product Launches, Making Noise, Avoiding Zombies, Upsell Conversions, and so much more. All delivered Gangnam Style, of course. But as the day was about to…

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What To Do With Your Life

It must be something in the air. Perhaps something about the changing of the leaves and seasons that has brought about great personal introspection in your life? You see, for whatever reason, I’ve recently received more “What should I do with my life?” type of questions on Facebook and through our FIM customer QnA sessions.…

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Triple Your Productivity

Travel day for ol’ CB today as I’m heading to hang out with our friend, Bedrofe Keuilian. But you’ll get some great advice in a guest article from Certified Turbulence Trainer, Mike Whitfield, today… Sometimes you just need a kick in the butt to be more productive, and Mikey delivers. Discover Your Strengths to Be…

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86 Done-for-You Bootcamp Workout Boosters

It was time. I had finally realized that I could no longer hold my bootcamps in the tiny little suite next door to the gym I trained at. The suite only held about 12-15 people at the most and I was getting referrals left and right. Finally, I approached the athletic director at the high…

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Make This List

Yesterday out on the farm, as Bally the Dog and I trudged through the broken down cornstalks in a recently harvested field, I was re-listening to a CD from Nido Qubein who taught a unique marketing lesson using the story of the Koi fish. As you might know, a Koi fish grows in proportion to…

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Dear America (letter from an admirer)

Dear America, You were everything a foreign kid dreamt of and more. There I was, 10 years old and unleashed in Orlando, Florida, the heart of American consumerism. The Ballantyne family had finally made the pilgrimage to Disney World. Between trips to the theme park my cousin and I would play arcade games in the…

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