Why We Really Do What We Do

In high school, I spent most of my time getting around on my bicycle. I rode it to school and then to my daily 2-hour shift at the local garden center. After that it was a short bike ride home for dinner before heading back into town to lift weights at the local YMCA. During…

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Obama is WRONG about success

Two weekends ago, President Obama told an audience: “If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.” He’s wrong, you know. Totally wrong. It wasn’t somebody else. It wasn’t the government. Because well, success is all LUCK, you know. Whether you see yourself as having good luck or bad…

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Test Reveals Gluten Sensitivity

I was shocked. These were not the results I was expecting. In late May, I invested in a genetic testing kit, mostly out of curiosity, to see if I was gluten sensitive. It never felt like I had any problems with these foods, like bread, pasta, oatmeal, or anything that contained flour. That’s why the…

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Potentiation for Fat Loss

You’re going to get a little more power and a lot more fat loss when you use this workout technique. It’s called “power potentiation“, and research shows it works to give you a little boost. I first discovered it back in my legendary 4th year neuro- muscular physiology class in 1998. This is where I…

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How to Make Sales and Create Upsells

This is so juvenile, but I laugh at it every time I hear it. My buddy Frank Kern calls my friend Bedros, “Bedrofe”. It amuses me to no end. Like when I put peanut butter on the top of Bally the Dog’s nose just a tiny bit out of reach of his tongue. You get…

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The Chair

The chair is where my father sat, On sunny summer days, Beer in hand, shirt undone, The paper had his gaze. The grass was never greener, Than in my memory, The shade was always coolest, On the days he sat with me. The Willow tree kept him in comfort, It wept in gentle breeze, We’d…

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Big Lessons from a Product Launch

Starting a new little feature today called, “What’s Working Wednesdays”. Each week you’ll get a real-world case study of what’s working for money making in one of my businesses. This fits in nicely with Motivation Monday and QnA Fridays. Now I have some cool stats of my own to show you next week about Facebook,…

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Coaching Will Cure This

I used to suffer from Monday Morning Anxiety. It started at about 2pm every Sunday, just after lunch, as my thoughts turned from relaxation to what I called, ‘the pressure’. It was a combination of knowing I had to get up at 4:30am to go work for someone else, to work on their schedule, to…

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Your Network Is Your Net Worth

There must have been enough food for an entire army. His team had filled jar upon jar with roasted nuts, chocolate covered almonds, and trail mix. There were a dozen bags of chips, and more candy was overflowing from the kitchen. Plus, he had a professional catering company on-site to serve up burgers, flatbread pizzas,…

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Joint Venture and Publishing Partner Tips

Time for you to start thinking big. Even if you’re just getting started, I want you to be thinking 3, 5, even 7 moves ahead in this game of business. You up for that? Good. Today’s QnA gets into some deep thinking, long-term planning, and frankly, what I consider to be much more important topics…

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The True Definition of Success

“Success for me,” John McAfee explained in Fast Company in 2007, “is can you wake up in the morning and feel like a twelve year old?” That was before he lost 95% of his net worth. At the time he said that, as Robert Frank explains in his book, The High-Beta Rich, McAfee was living through a second adolescence,…

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