Posts by Craig Ballantyne
The Official TT Summit 2012 Review
The Official TT Summit Review – By Mike Whitfield, Certified Turbulence Trainer “Norm!” is what everybody screams as he comes walking into the infamous Cheers Bar. Even if you didn’t watch the TV Show, “Cheers”, you probably know about everybody loving it when Norm shows up. The theme song even says it all – Sometimes…
Read MoreHow to Change People’s Lives
Here’s one of the most important motivational quotes you’ll ever hear. It’s from American author and poet, Maya Angelou, who said… “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Wow. That’s powerful. And it’s true. Don’t you think…
Read MoreDog Makes Money with Email
Well, the dog did it again. He earned his keep with yet another ridiculous email sent to my fitness list. (Full email below.) It’s days like these that truly make me realize how fortunate I am, that my dog can send email and make money. And he can do it even better than I can.…
Read MoreRogue Fitness Review of the 2nd TT Summit
On Monday morning I woke up to this… …a rogue fitness expert’s review of my TT Summit. I thought it was amazing he would do this, and I wanted to share it with you here: Unofficially awesome review of the TT Summit It’s amazing how much effort he put into this…great insights. You’ll discover… 1)…
Read MoreProud of These Professional Personal Trainers
At just 37 years old, I don’t feel mature enough to be sending off any kids to college, but now I know how a proud poppa must feel the day his son or daughter heads out and starts making a difference in the world. You see, I just returned from the 2nd Turbulence Training Summit…
Read MoreStop Being So Selfish
Late Saturday afternoon, at the end of the awesome 2nd Turbulence Training Summit, I hung around for an hour to chat with the attendees. One young woman that had moved to California from Japan about five years ago, came up to me and admitted that fear was holding her back from going “bigger” in her…
Read MoreOne Million Transformation Dream
It’s the day after the 2nd amazing Turbulence Training Summit and I’ve just gotten back in after an interval session on the legendary San Diego Convention Center stairs. About halfway up during round 8 of 10 (each round was about 25 seconds), I remembered the dream I had last night. In it, I was able…
Read MoreTruth About Your Desire for Shortcuts and Secrets
“That wasn’t very nice. But you were just being honest, I guess.” You might feel that way about some of my answers this week. And frankly, I’ll admit it, I get a little sassier in my replies when people are too disrespectful to spell out the words properly in their questions – especially when it’s…
Read More4am 4-Minute Bodyweight Finisher Circuit
Here’s why I love being in San Diego… First, it’s San Diego. Awesome city. At the top of my list if I ever moved to the good ol’ USA. Second, it’s got a great gym, Fit Athletic, that I’ll be going to on Friday. Third, it’s easy to get up early when you go from…
Read MoreCrazy Internet Success Story
If you learn nothing else from today’s article, it will be that you shouldn’t eat vegetables. That said, I guarantee you’ll learn a lot more in this story about Mastermind Member Kristian Manietta’s near-death experience, and how he was able to make dollar bills from his hospital bed while turning this traumatic event into a…
Read MoreThe Four Horsemen of Your Body’s Apocalypse
The debate was on. As we stepped out of the car at the gas station, we continued our argument. It was a beautiful sunny morning in Colorado, and ETR Publisher Matt Smith and I had just finished our workout and started to discuss nutrition. Each of us defended our positions, and, honestly, we were both…
Read MoreStop this Insanity
Last week I spent some relaxing days out on the farm and going for dog walks in the cornfield (the corn is almost taller than poor lil’ Bally the Dog – he nearly gets lost in it). We went to check out the building progress of my mom’s new house, but sadly, there wasn’t any…
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