Thank You for Your Help

Over 1721 Early to Rise readers had their say in the first (but not the last) ETR survey. Plus, since our transition, new ETR publisher Matt Smith and I have read hundreds of your feedback emails. We want to thank you for your help. Working with ETR is a tremendous opportunity for Matt and myself,…

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How Dr. Michael Sommers Heals Craig Ballantyne

After arriving home I visited a good friend and chiropractic of mine, Dr. Michael Sommers. He immediately begin working on that old injury  I aggravated during last Sunday’s workout performing a technique called A.R.T. (Active Release Techniques). Over the next few days I am going to share some tips and advice that a good therapist…

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One Selfish Reason People Struggle

Each week I hear from smart, passionate men and women who want to start a side business but are being held back by perfectionism and procrastination. For example, the other day I received this comment on my blog: “I’ve wanted to make a series of educational videos for a couple of years and have been…

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European Bodyweight Workouts

If you didn’t already know this, Austria is beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous. We (a group of 6) are out at a very nice chalet about 40 miles from Salzburg (220 miles from Vienna) and we’ve spent the week biking, hiking, and rafting in an amazing environment. I’ve also done a couple of bodyweight workouts in the…

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The Number One Person in Your Business

According to the ETR survey results, one of the biggest struggles among readers is identifying the right audience for their business. Today, I want to share with you a simple little exercise that will give you clarity and insight about the number one person in your business – your best client. By doing so, you’ll…

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Tough European Bodyweight Workout

I am off on a bit of a European adventure for 10 days, and should be cruising over the Atlantic Ocean on my way to Lithuania (via Copenhagen) by the time  you read this. I’m meeting some friends at an entrepreneurship seminar for college students and then we’re off to Austria for some hiking. We…

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Where and When is the Next TT Certification Event?

The most common question I get from trainers around the world is, “When will there be a Turbulence Training Certification in my area?” Well, the great news is that you can have the certification in your house, at your computer, right now. You see, every 4-6 weeks I accept up to 5 new TT Trainers…

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Hottest Workout in the World – TT Metabolic Resistance Training

What the heck is this new style of workout that fitness experts are calling “Metabolic Resistance Training”? Metabolic Resistance Training (MRT) workouts are advanced fat burning sessions that are a hybrid-fusion of bodybuilding set and rep schemes with an interval training twist all in a total body workout system. Bodybuilding workouts are metabolic, but they…

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Fitness QnA and New Abs Workout

It’s been a crazy week here in the TT World.  My right-hand gal, Amy, has been on vacation and I’ve actually had to do some work around here. So I was a little slow getting the August Workout added to the TT Member’s site. But it’s there now, and you’ll find a great program for…

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Turbulence Training Success Stories of the Month for July 2011

Congratulations to our two winners of this month’s “TT Success Story” Contest. Each winner receives a 1-year Platinum TT Membership, so they’ll have access to all TT workouts from the past PLUS all TT workouts coming in the next 12 months. If you have a success story, please email it to TurbulenceTrainingHelp [at] Looking…

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Don’t Play This Game With Your Future

When you’re first getting started online, you need to find out who your readers are in order to serve them with the information they desire. But too many of us play the guessing game in our businesses. We aren’t sure what our prospects want, and so we throw out offer after offer, without any rhyme…

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