3 Essential Elements for Your Business

On Friday morning, my friends and I gathered in Austin, Texas to learn from information marketer, Ryan Deiss. For six hours, Ryan gave us a complete, no-holds barred inside look into his business, how they get traffic, his email secrets, and much, much more. It was easily the best coaching day I had ever experienced.…

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My Little Black Book

Thursday’s journey from Toronto to Austin started off on the wrong foot. After finally making it through a long custom’s line, I was selected for secondary security screening. As the agent went through my luggage he eventually stumbled across my little black book – a moleskin notebook I take with me on all my travels.…

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Your QnA and a Challenge

Each Friday I’m going to answer at least one reader question in addition to bringing you more great content. Today, a reader has a question on my habits, and I have an article for you on your legacy. Let me know what you think of the QnA – good or bad – in the comments…

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How to Take Control of Your Future

I’m off to beautiful Austin, Texas this morning for a Mastermind meeting with information marketer Ryan Deiss. I’ve known Ryan for over four years now, and he’s always on the leading edge of what’s working. Recently, Ryan introduced me to a couple of great information marketing teachers, Jeff Vacek and Ken Preuss. Last Saturday afternoon,…

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5 Pillars of Information Marketing

Ask any entrepreneur about when they had their biggest breakthrough, and the answer will almost always be, “When I finally found the right mentor.” It certainly was for me. For six years I stumbled along with my website business, grinding out small increases in sales each year. It wasn’t until I finally got help from…

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How Much Cardio for Fat Loss

Recently I was interviewed by a fitness professional, and he asked a great question. Question: Craig, when you design an effective fat loss strategy to get your body absolutely shredded, how important is the role of regular cardio and I think this point has been the key, what type of cardio should we be performing?…

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If She Can Do It…

When I first met my friend Carrie Wilkerson at a seminar in 2008, she was one of those people that everyone else was talking about – in a good way. I lost track of how many times I heard, “You need to meet/speak with Carrie,” over that weekend. And when I finally did get a…

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Workouts for Runners and Beach Bodies

One of the most common questions I get is from runners who want to use Turbulence Training in addition to their marathon or 10-k training programs. Now it’s possible to add Turbulence Training into these plans, but you need to be careful. Here’s what I wrote for one client who asked… Question: Could you design…

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Why I Should Be a Failure

  I recently spent Memorial Day weekend down in beautiful San Diego, where the hotel I stayed at was packed with young men and women attending their graduation ceremonies at the adjacent convention center. Many were doctors, or student receiving their Master’s Degrees. It was a very big day in their lives, and one that…

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One of the big internet buzzes these days is Google+. Are you on it? Alas, I am not…In fact, the other week I thought my Facebook Fanpage got deleted and my first thought wasn’t panic, but relief. What do you think of Facebook and Googley +1? Let me know on the blog here: => http://www.InternetIndependence.com…

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Politically-Incorrect Time Management Tips

On Thursday afternoon, me and my ol’ pup, Bally the Dog went for a short walk outside on the farm, down to the river for him to cool off with a swim. It’s been a little hot up here in southern Ontario, with temperatures flirting with 100 degrees. Add in some humidity, and a fur…

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Fitness QnA – Bodyweight Circuit Challenge

Today’s QnA mailbag gives you a really challenging bodyweight circuit and a link to one of my favorite Youtube videos that I’ve filmed. But first, if you are a personal trainer and interested in learning how to use Turbulence Training in your workouts as well as getting more training clients, I’m having a two-day seminar…

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