Posts by Craig Ballantyne
3 Essential Elements for Your Business
On Friday morning, my friends and I gathered in Austin, Texas to learn from information marketer, Ryan Deiss. For six hours, Ryan gave us a complete, no-holds barred inside look into his business, how they get traffic, his email secrets, and much, much more. It was easily the best coaching day I had ever experienced.…
Read MoreMy Little Black Book
Thursday’s journey from Toronto to Austin started off on the wrong foot. After finally making it through a long custom’s line, I was selected for secondary security screening. As the agent went through my luggage he eventually stumbled across my little black book – a moleskin notebook I take with me on all my travels.…
Read MoreYour QnA and a Challenge
Each Friday I’m going to answer at least one reader question in addition to bringing you more great content. Today, a reader has a question on my habits, and I have an article for you on your legacy. Let me know what you think of the QnA – good or bad – in the comments…
Read MoreHow to Take Control of Your Future
I’m off to beautiful Austin, Texas this morning for a Mastermind meeting with information marketer Ryan Deiss. I’ve known Ryan for over four years now, and he’s always on the leading edge of what’s working. Recently, Ryan introduced me to a couple of great information marketing teachers, Jeff Vacek and Ken Preuss. Last Saturday afternoon,…
Read More5 Pillars of Information Marketing
Ask any entrepreneur about when they had their biggest breakthrough, and the answer will almost always be, “When I finally found the right mentor.” It certainly was for me. For six years I stumbled along with my website business, grinding out small increases in sales each year. It wasn’t until I finally got help from…
Read MoreHow Much Cardio for Fat Loss
Recently I was interviewed by a fitness professional, and he asked a great question. Question: Craig, when you design an effective fat loss strategy to get your body absolutely shredded, how important is the role of regular cardio and I think this point has been the key, what type of cardio should we be performing?…
Read MoreIf She Can Do It…
When I first met my friend Carrie Wilkerson at a seminar in 2008, she was one of those people that everyone else was talking about – in a good way. I lost track of how many times I heard, “You need to meet/speak with Carrie,” over that weekend. And when I finally did get a…
Read MoreWorkouts for Runners and Beach Bodies
One of the most common questions I get is from runners who want to use Turbulence Training in addition to their marathon or 10-k training programs. Now it’s possible to add Turbulence Training into these plans, but you need to be careful. Here’s what I wrote for one client who asked… Question: Could you design…
Read MoreWhy I Should Be a Failure
I recently spent Memorial Day weekend down in beautiful San Diego, where the hotel I stayed at was packed with young men and women attending their graduation ceremonies at the adjacent convention center. Many were doctors, or student receiving their Master’s Degrees. It was a very big day in their lives, and one that…
Read MoreGoogle-Facebook-SEO
One of the big internet buzzes these days is Google+. Are you on it? Alas, I am not…In fact, the other week I thought my Facebook Fanpage got deleted and my first thought wasn’t panic, but relief. What do you think of Facebook and Googley +1? Let me know on the blog here: =>…
Read MorePolitically-Incorrect Time Management Tips
On Thursday afternoon, me and my ol’ pup, Bally the Dog went for a short walk outside on the farm, down to the river for him to cool off with a swim. It’s been a little hot up here in southern Ontario, with temperatures flirting with 100 degrees. Add in some humidity, and a fur…
Read MoreFitness QnA – Bodyweight Circuit Challenge
Today’s QnA mailbag gives you a really challenging bodyweight circuit and a link to one of my favorite Youtube videos that I’ve filmed. But first, if you are a personal trainer and interested in learning how to use Turbulence Training in your workouts as well as getting more training clients, I’m having a two-day seminar…
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