Posts by Craig Ballantyne
Workout and Weight Loss Updates
Hope you had a great Mother’s Day weekend…I was out in the country with my family visiting my mom, and for Mother’s Day, I let her borrow my dog for a week. There is a bird that has been trying to fly through my kitchen window for over 4 days now…if you are half as…
Read More5 Fat Loss Myths
There are so many fat loss myths out there in “exercise-land” that I was hired by a fitness magazine to write about one myth each month. After all, by now you’ve probably heard that if you don’t do 60-minutes of cardio in your fat burning zone on an empty stomach while Venus is in line…
Read MoreConfidence is King
People want to follow other people who are PASSIONATE. And you can’t be passionate when you’re down in the dumps, feeling sorry for yourself, and apologizing for
everything you do. Instead, try confidence.
Turbulence Training Success Stories
Every month we go through the success story emails from TT members and award a 1-year Platinum TT Membership to our top readers. This month, we’re giving away two Platinum Memberships (worth $197) to Emily and Neil. Here are their motivational and inspirational stories. Emily’s Sister Lost 19 Pounds with Turbulence Training, and Now She’s…
Read MoreFat Loss Transformation Nutrition and Workout Tips
The 11th contest is under way, and it’s my goal to help TT Contest entrants to lose over 500 lbs of fat total in this contest. That’s 50 people losing 10 pounds, or 100 people averaging 5 pounds. I know we can do this. So if there’s any way you can to help, by convincing…
Read MoreWomen Vs Men Fat Loss Workouts
Well, I’ve trained a lot of women and a lot of men over the years, and to be honest, two of the three clients I miss the most are Darla and Amy. Both of these amazing women moved away from Toronto in 2006, and no one has come close to replacing them. (My 3rd favorite…
Read MoreBeginner Fat Loss Workouts and Interval Training
The last thing you want to use for a beginner fat loss workout is long, slow, boring cardio. Two reasons why: 1) Beginners will get an overuse injury from doing too much exercise volume too soon. I had many new clients come to me after injuring themselves trying to get back in shape by doing…
Read MoreHow Many Sets and Reps for Fat Loss
How many set and reps should I do in my fat loss workout? That’s one of the most common questions I get. Now what you need to realize is here is that we are not doing traditional old school body building workouts with Turbulence Training. That is not what we’re doing at all. Instead, we…
Read More500 Pound Fat Loss Goal
A quick request for help on my 500 Pound Fat Loss Goal for the 11th Turbulence Training Transformation Contest. As I hope you know, we have just opened up the 11th TT Transformation Contest, and you can enter ANY time between today and May 30th (Memorial Day). You then have 12 weeks to lose fat…
Read MoreQuiz: 7 Metabolism Boosters?
Your metabolism is your fat loss foundation. It keeps burning and burning fat 24 hours a day…the only problem is, do you have a fast metabolism? And if not, what can you do about it to boost your metabolism and burn fat to lose weight? Your metabolism is basically how many calories you burn each…
Read MoreTurn 3 Weaknesses into Strengths
On a sunny Saturday morning in Chicago this weekend, I was hanging out in a massive hotel conference room listening Dan Kennedy talk about my favorite topic – Productivity. And he made a point I hadn’t thought of before. He explained that 70% of our time management problem is simply due to insufficient motivation or…
Read More5 Words to Transform Your Life
Let go of the past…… And let those 5 words change your life. You are not your mistakes. Focus on your future and what you can do now. Listen, I know it’s not easy…. If you want something in life that you aren’t getting now, you have two choices: 1) Change your ways to…
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