Posts by Craig Ballantyne
Setting Goals For Fat Loss
Setting goals helps you to define where you are and what you plan to achieve over a specified period of time. So when it comes to building the body of your dreams, it is important to clearly define your goals. Here are some goal setting tips for fat loss… ******************** I think that a lot…
Read More$100K in 12 Months (Part 1) is about reviving the American Dream – globally – by harnessing the power of the internet to create YOUR financial freedom – at any age, by anyone, anywhere. You’ll discover daily guidance that will light your path as you build your internet business from your kitchen table or spare bedroom, so that you can…
Read MoreBest Exercise Order to Build Muscle and Burn Fat at the Same Time
Another day in the gym, another round of “crazy things people do when they workout”. Did I ever tell you about the one time I watched a trainer instruct his client to stand on a Bosu ball, wearing boxing gloves, and then do some type of whacky reverse punch/backhand slap while the trainer stood BEHIND…
Read MoreTime Management Idea from "The Donald"
I won’t usually email on the weekend, but I had a bunch of questions I wanted to answer before we get to the big 12-month plan on Monday. Question #1 from Barry: “What’s the best way to plan my day to get more done?” Answer: Great question. The first thing you need to do is…
Read More7-Day Fat Loss Detox Plan
Are you on a Detox Diet? Everyone here in Toronto seems to be… One of my former clients does a 7-day detox, where he cuts out all alcohol, caffeine, sugar, and refined carbohydrates – while taking supplements to help “detoxify” the liver and kidneys. I don’t mind this client doing this, because he is a…
Read MoreLA Fat Loss & Nutrition Tips
Had a great weekend in LA…worked out with Joel Marion, and Vince Del Monte. And Vince is funny because he’s always on his own schedule…he tries to pack 33 hours into a 24 hour day. Good times are always had with those guys. While I was in LA, I made two small dietary mistakes, and…
Read MoreFat Loss Q n A with Craig Ballantyne
Today I am including several excellent questions that I recently received from TT members about fat loss and about Turbulence Training. ****************** Question: Please tell us about the history of Turbulence Training and your time in the fitness industry? Answer: Like most folks in the fitness industry, I played a lot of sports when I…
Read MoreExercising While Traveling
Traveling can be a bit challenging but you shouldn’t let it derail your normal workout routines. There are no reason not to exercise no matter where you are. You can burn fat and build muscle even if you have a bad day of eating. In fact, you can do a fat burning workout in your…
Read More5 Foods I’ll Never Eat Again
You’re about to discover 5 foods that I’ve rarely – if ever – eaten in the last 5-10 years. Plus, you’ll also find out about a couple of minor diet mistakes I made this weekend in Los Angeles… …and why I’ll never make those mistakes again. In fact, I’m “going public” and telling you I’ll…
Read MoreAdvanced Methods for Fat Loss
Many programs promise results, but at the end of the day don’t do much. You want a safe workout that kicks your butt. So if you’re sick of fluffy weight loss workouts that aren’t giving you any results, then you will love this interview where Hardcore Strength Coach Zach Even-Esh grills me on advanced Turbulence…
Read MoreTurbulence Training For Women
A woman’s workout should consist of leg raises, biceps curls with soup cans, and triceps kickbacks with water bottles. Can you believe that silliness? Neither can I, but that is what passes for “professional fitness advice for women” these days. I could see this info being accepted in the 1930’s (maybe?), but in the year…
Read MoreControl Your Time
Time to kick back in a coffee shop here in Toronto, surrounded by beautiful people, listening to my favorite music, and getting a ton of work done. Just kidding. That’s now how it works in the real world. If I tried that, I’d get about 1/3 of my regular work done. That’s why I always…
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