Posts by Craig Ballantyne
Bodyweight Exercise Workout
Off to Los Angeles this weekend, first visiting Alwyn Cosgrove and then hanging around Joel Marion, and Vince Del Monte. Some funny guys…should lead to some funny times. Joel and Vince are doing their own transformation contest, and I think Vince is getting ready for another bodybuilding show, so I’ll bring you back a few…
Read MoreTips on Identifying Bad Habits
We all have bad habits. Mine are checking email too frequently, being unorganized, and not always eating enough to fuel full recovery from my workouts. Your bad habits might include too much snacking and cheating on your nutrition plan, coming up with excuses to skip exercise, or watching too much TV. Bad habits are the…
Read MoreInspiring Fat Loss Tips – Fit Over 40
As a coach and fitness professional, Jon Benson’s unique skill set has been called “the ultimate blend of Anthony Robbins and Bill Phillips.” He is living proof of his methods, as a mere seven years ago he was clinically obese and near death. Having lived through obesity, and having beat it, allows Jon to relate…
Read MoreDiet Hacks for Transformation Fat Loss
This week we’re going to give you some diet hacks for your transformation fat loss program. I hope your 2011 is off to an amazing start, and I also hope that you’ll join the 10th TT Transformation Contest. => Click here for the details on how you can win $1000 just by losing belly fat…
Read MoreGoal Setting for Fat Loss
So many people battle with ways to lose fat, but this doesn’t have to be difficult. Today I’ll share with you some practical tips to help you get you started. The single most important part of the process is setting goals. Setting short-term and long-term goals may increase your odds of success. Not only will…
Read MoreYour Mission & Movement
Thanks to everyone who replied to yesterday’s email with kind words for my mom. I really appreciate it. Today, I want to explain the Internet Independence Movement and the Mission behind the new site and daily email. It all started with a discussion I had in the Tucson, Arizona airport with my friend Matt. I…
Read MoreAffordable Nutrition Tips
Hey folks, were back with part 2 of our fat loss nutrition special interview with Dr. John Berardi. Yesterday the nutrition expert gave us some tips to help kick start your dieting plan that will help you lose the holiday fat. Eating healthy doesn’t necessarily have to be expensive. Consider the possible downside to unhealthy…
Read MoreTips On Carbs – What To Eat At the Right Time
If you want to lose fat, gain muscle, and improve performance, it makes sense to go to the experts who have achieved this with themselves and with thousands of clients. For nutrition, there may be no one better than Dr. John Berardi. I ask John about nutrition every chance that I get because he knows…
Read More2011 Fat Loss and Transformation Guide
Let’s kick off the New Year with our first 7-Day Fat Burning Call of 2011! Don`t forget, the 10th Turbulence Training Transformation Contest is in full swing. You can take your Before photos, and get started with your TT workout to lose fat. You have 12 weeks from your start day to get in the…
Read MoreKey Ingredients In A Fat-Loss Program
Hey folks, we are back with the world-famous trainer, Alwyn Cosgrove for another interview. But first, I would like to share with you a little more about Alwyn (pronounced Allan). He is a superstar in the world of physique transformation for men and women and has trained champions in multiple sports and winners of multiple…
Read MoreNew Rules of Abs Exercises
Every Christmas I return home to the small city of Stratford where I grew up…and I get into the local gym for a couple of workouts. Unfortunately, the local gym is almost like the “land where time stood still” when it comes to training. Members do plenty of slow cardio (reading books, chatting, etc.) and…
Read MoreBeginner Fat Loss Mistakes and Tips
When trying to lose weight, we are faced with all kinds of decisions about proper food choices and how to being an exercise program. I want to share with you 5 common mistakes individuals who are tying to lose weight make and the diet changes that will help for fat loss. ******************** 1. What are…
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