Posts by Craig Ballantyne
Vegetarian Books You Must Read
In the last year I’ve read over a dozen books that will help you make the transition from meat to vegetarian, and even from vegetarian to vegan. Last night I finished up the latest, and probably the best book of the bunch. Even though it was written almost 10 years ago, “The Food Revolution” has…
Read MoreTT for Athletes Interval Training
This week’s call features weeks 1-4 of TT for Athletes… But first, let’s talk about all the reasons to be celebrating. 1) Next week is July 1st, Canada Day! 2) Next Sunday is July 4th, Independence Day! 3) Days are getting longer down under. It will be your summer time soon! And this weekend is…
Read MoreSimultaneously Build Muscle and Lose Fat
Last day, Nick Nilsson aka The Mad Scientist, shared with us his nutrition tips for those wanting to gain muscle as well as for those wanting to lose fat. Today, however, we learn a Nilssonized version of my interval training methods! As well, for those of you wanting to build muscle AND lose fat at…
Read MoreMad Scientist Dishes Out Workout and Nutrition Advice
Hey folks! We’re moving into part 2 of my expert interview with the Mad Scientist, Nick Nilsson. If you missed it, make sure you jump back to part 1 where you’ll discover the meaning behind Nilsson’s nickname and how he can help you overcome any workout plateau. Today, the Scientist is going to share with…
Read MoreUnique Exercise Twists To Build Muscle
Following the same basic exercises over and over again, is not only boring, but it will eventually lead to a plateau. That’s why I’m excited to share with you part 1 of the interview I did with the Mad Scientist, Nick Nilsson. Click here to listen to the full interview Nilsson, a friend and fitness…
Read More3 Secrets to Faster Recovery From Injury
This article on the 3 secrets to faster recovery from muscle injury is another great article to print out and file! But first, confession time. Despite everything we know, old meatheads like me and Jason Ferruggia still “overdo things” and end up hurting ourselves in the gym. But I’m lucky, because I just pull muscles…
Read MoreHow To Choose A Workout Program
What an interview series – Scott Colby and his facebook fans asked me some really great questions that I know can help you, too. If you missed last day where I told you my favorite ab exercise along with the best exercises to sculpt beautiful abs without harming your back, then head back to part…
Read MoreBetter Buff Dudes Hot Chicks Workout?
For the first time in a while I had a week off from training, and will start a new program next week. I’m ready to go! But it was good to have some time off, gave me a few days to do extra stretching and overcome injuries. More about dealing with injuries later in this…
Read MoreTop Six-Pack Ab Exercises
Last day, I explained to fitness expert, Scott Colby, that what you’ll find in my19 DVD Home Abdominal Workouts is more than just ab exercises, it’s a complete guide to overhauling your current physique. Because achieving your dream body isn’t just about abs exercises…not by a long shot! Today, we’ll continue the abs discussion, specifically,…
Read More19 DVDs Of My Blood, Sweat, and Tears
Eating healthy is a lifestyle and one that requires a shift in mindset. Thankfully, I have made improvements from the days when my best friend and one of my favorite clients use to make fish sticks, french fries and drink over two liters of soda a day. And you can do this too! I touched…
Read MoreExercise Substitution List
Hey, you know how I said in my last email to you that getting a tan helps you look better? Well, I posted a comparison shot of my abs with and without a tan on the TT Fanpage here: => What do you think? The tan makes me look leaner, right? After you’ve taken…
Read MoreSmart Eating Habits
If you’re spending hours a day on crunches and not getting the results you’d like, then check last day’s interview excerpt with Scott Colby where I dish out a few non-traditional, total-body exercises that produce shocking abdominal results. For most of you, the working out isn’t the hard part, but instead it’s the diet and…
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