Posts by Craig Ballantyne
Vegetarian Tips for Gaining Muscle
You’re heading into part 2 of my interview with Jersey’s finest, and leading authority on hardcore, underground strength and fitness, Jason Ferruggia. As I mentioned in part 1 of the call excerpt (maybe one of my best ever!), Ferruggia covers a WIDE range of topics, such as 3 vs. 4-day programs, optimal sets & reps,…
Read More10 Reasons You Need Muscle
When I went back to my parent’s house on Easter Weekend, I was thrilled to see my Mom had added dumbbells to her little workout area along with her treadmill, mat, and ball. It helps her to be strong for all her yard work and to improve her health. (And it’s cute to catch her…
Read MoreHow the Average Guy Can Maximize Results
Hey, everyone! You’re in for a real treat because over the next week and a half I’m going to be sharing with you a call I did with my friend, Jason Ferruggia, the man behind Muscle Gaining Secrets and The Renegade Gym in New Jersey, which is the coolest place to workout in the world.…
Read More7 Tips for Thinner Thighs
If you want to have thinner thighs but those silly high-repetition soup-can workouts in today’s fitness magazines aren’t helping, I have good news for you. Today I’m going to give you 7 tips that you can use immediately to start losing inches from your thighs…perhaps even an inch in a week. Here are seven things…
Read MoreBodyweight Exercise Challenge Workouts
Funny thing happened last week…a few people emailed me and said there was picture of me in the April issue of GQ. I had no idea what they were talking about…so I bought a copy. The comparison – as you can see – is striking. Interesting stuff…and if you want to know how this turns…
Read MoreCan Busy Moms Lose Fat?
Today we’re finishing off my abs exercises interview with female fat loss expert, Holly Rigsby. It’s been a great week in which we’ve answered some of the most frequently asked questions I receive from women… …questions about belly fat, postpartum loose skin, stretch marks, six pack abs after 3 kids, and a host of other…
Read MoreBest Sets & Reps to Build Muscle
What are the best number of sets and reps to build muscle? I get that question three times a day – at least – on Facebook and my buddy Jay Ferruggia probably gets it 3 times an hour. Fortunately Jay has a research proven answer. That’s right, he did research on his own training subjects…
Read MoreHow To Have 3 Kids And Six-Pack Abs
Okay folks, so last day Holly Rigsby from and I were discussing the most effective methods for overcoming oddly shaped abs after pregnancy. It’s a fairly common problem amongst women, and Holly tackled it head on with some great advice. Check it out here. But what if you’ve had 3 or 4 kids…is there…
Read MoreHow Postpartum Moms Can Correct Diastasis
I’m here with women’s fat loss expert Holly Rigsby from, and if you’ve been following along over the past week then you’ll know that we’ve been going over exactly how to help postpartum women reclaim their bodies, covering everything from excess fat, to loose skin, to stretch marks. There’s been a lot of really…
Read MoreTT Gauntlet Workout Gift for You
This is kinda funny…picture this… A young Craig Ballantyne back in the summer of 1987…on vacation with his parents in the small town of Grand Bend on the edge of Lake Huron in sunny Southwestern Ontario – about 45 minutes from home. About mid-afternoon I’d had enough of the beach. It was time for some…
Read MoreWhat To Do About Stretch Marks
Hey folks! For the past couple of days I’ve been sharing with you an interview I did with Holly Rigsby from Over the years, Holly has been instrumental in helping thousands of postpartum women lose their baby fat and reshape their bodies. In part 1 and 2 we covered how to say goodbye to…
Read MoreGetting Rid of Loose Skin
I’m back again for part 2 of my interview with Holly Rigsby from Holly is not only a friend of mine, but she’s also an expert when it comes to fat loss with a specialization in helping moms get back their lean and sexy look. We started the interview off with one of the…
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