Posts by Craig Ballantyne
The Truth About Fruit, Veggies And Fat Loss
I’m here again with the author of Eat Stop Eat, Brad Pilon, and in this particular interview series we’re going to debunk some metabolism myths that continue to misinform so many of you out there, as well as discuss a whole whack of basic nutrition information. So let’s get started with today’s portion – 2…
Read More5 Laws of New School Fat Loss
I spent all day yesterday explaining what Turbulence Training is to new potential readers. By the end of the day I had my speech memorized, and decided to turn it into a new article for you called, “The 5 Laws of New School Fat Loss“. Here goes… Turbulence Training is a structured routine that I…
Read MoreYour Favorite Interval Training Workouts
In this week’s fat loss guide, you’ll get 10 interval training workouts from TT readers…plus a kettlebell workout, some fat loss motivation, and the truth about measuring your body fat. But first, a fat loss reality: Everything you do either takes you closer to or further from your goals. Just remember that in everything you…
Read More#1 Rule When Eating Grains, Rice, Bread, Etc.
“Do I have to give up bread & rice to lose fat?” is one of the most common nutrition questions I get. So today we’re going to cover “grains and fat loss” with the help of my friend & nutrition expert, Isabel De LoRios. Now I know most of you are being told that you…
Read More3 Simple Nutrition Rules
Last Friday morning I had to take Bally (my dog) into see the vet because he has an ear infection. And the vet couldn’t get over how lean Bally was for a 4-year old chocolate lab. “These guys are the worst for getting fat,” he said. “Labs in general, but there’s something about chocolate labs.…
Read MoreLooking and Feeling Good in Your 40’s
Women in their 40’s have to work against nature to maintain their figure. Our current lifestyle and Mother Nature has stacked the odds against us. Sailing smoothly through the fourth decade of our life without some extra baggage is difficult (literally, I’m talking about gobs of fat hanging off our waists like a muffin top…
Read More10 Tips to Eat Healthy for Cheap
This week you’ll discover 10 tips to eat healthy for cheap, but I also must warn you that I have a lot of politically incorrect inspiration and motivation to give you… But first, let’s start with reality. The reality is that everyone makes mistakes with their diet. So there will be times you mess up…and…
Read More5 Reasons NEVER To Do Crunches Again
I just spent two and half hours reading through all your ab questions from last week and I must say I’m shocked… … I didn’t realize how many people were still using crunches to try and get a flat stomach and six pack abs. Unfortunately, I have bad news… doing crunches is NOT going to…
Read MoreHow to make your ab workouts work
On Sunday morning I met an old client to take him through his weekly workout, and I kicked his butt with some TT, but when it came to the abs circuit at the end, he started laughing and said, “NO WAY!” Why? Because his abs were still sore and tight from the workout I had…
Read More4 Steps to Success
“15% of 2010 is gone forever. 15% of your New Years Resolutions should have already been checked off…So exactly how are they looking now? Are you on track with your goals? If you wanted to lose 30lbs this year – are you down fifteen percent – or 4.5lbs already? It’s amazing how time passes. Where…
Read More3 Ab Exercises to Tighten Your Tummy
If you want to tighten your tummy and get rid of that last bit of lower belly pooch, then here’s just one of my TT for Abs circuits that you’ll be doing in the TT for Abs DVDs with me. 1) We’ll start with: Stability Ball Rollouts or Modified Ball Rollouts for Beginners That’s one…
Read MoreTT for Abs DVD Winners!(And 3 worst ab exercises…)
Today, you’ll discover the winners of the TT for Abs DVDs, but first, the 3 worst ab exercises… I saw one on Tuesday when I walked into the gym and what I saw made me cringe like a slap in the face. There was a guy twisting and turning and contorting himself all over the…
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