Posts by Craig Ballantyne
Truth About Complex Diets & Calories
We’re gonna have a little fun in this week’s fat loss guide. I’m in Miami this weekend at a trainer’s seminar, but I’ll be back in time to watch Canada vs USA in hockey…and in the spirit of the Olympics, I’m giving you the Winter Olympics workout. You’ll love it…lots of fun. Also, the countdown…
Read MoreExercise Substitution List
This is long overdue, and for that I apologize, but here’s the Ultimate Exercise Substitutions List. Feel free to add your suggestions or follow up questions below, and we’ll keep building this out as a great resource. ***************************************************** Exercise Substitutions For Squats –> You can do split squats, lunges, step-ups, reaching lunges, 1-leg deadlifts, or…
Read More1 Mistake All Women Make
On Saturday morning I was walking home from the gym when I passed by a young women – about 28 years old – who was talking on her Iphone. And I heard her say, “I’m going for a walk now to get some exercise because I’m going out for a bad dinner tonight.” And I…
Read MoreBallantyne’s Day Training
Happy Ballantyne’s Day everyone. It’s been pretty busy around TT Headquarters…just this week I’ve been working on: – TT Transformation 2 – The TT for Abs Follow-Along DVD’s (COMING SOON!) – TT Big 6 Circuit (for March) – TT Bootcamp 2K10 program (professional and personal editions) Also, since the Olympics are here I’m trying to…
Read MoreThe Body Sculpting Guide for Busy People
Time is a precious resource these days and because of this, most people simply don’t have 90-minutes per day to devote to a workout. Unfortunately, with all the information fitness magazines are spewing out, many people are often misguided into believing the only sure-fire way to lose fat and gain muscle is through long, hard…
Read More7 Step Detox Nutrition Plan
It is simply NOT possible to EVER detox your body. Why? Because it’s such a vague statement. What does “detox” mean? How do you measure “detoxification”? What do you even define as toxins? And when do you officially become “detoxed”? The answer is, “You don’t.” It’s impossible. After all, every single second of every day…
Read MoreCommando Bodyweight Exercise
Last April I was in Vegas, attending a seminar…and also there to meet a real-life James Bond to discuss some non-fitness related business ventures. He is an international man. This guy travels to a new country on an almost weekly basis. He charms the ladies with ease. He dresses in sharp, tailored suits, and he…
Read More7 Word Diet
I’m a lucky man because I’m off to the SuperBowl this weekend…and I’ll be creating a special report on my fitness and nutrition while on the road. In fact, I’m creating an entire new site “Turbulence Training Travels”. Watch for that in March. Speaking of the SuperBowl, this week’s fat burning coaching call has a…
Read MoreIs Steady-State Cardio Effective for Fat Loss?
Last day, Scott Colby and I took some time to educate readers on the benefits of living the vegetarian lifestyle, while also debunking many of the misconceptions out there. So if you’re a vegetarian or thinking of trying it out, then check out the tips for how to be a vegetarian and lose fat. Today,…
Read MoreHow to Be A Vegetarian and Lose Fat
The abs expert, Scott Colby has been asking me all kinds of fat loss questions over the past week, and today is no different. But first, if you find you’re constantly short on time but still want to transform your body, then you’ll definitely want to go back to part 6 of my interview excerpt…
Read MoreGetting Maximum Results in Minimum Time
In part 5 of my interview with Scott Colby I shared with you the reasons why transformation contests work so well, and today I want to further this discussion by letting you in on how to get these significant fat loss results to transform your body in the least amount of time….because after all, who…
Read MoreMy #1 Personality Flaw
Despite what you might think after trying one of my workouts, my #1 personality flaw is NOT that I’m “sadistic”. I mean, c’mon, how could a cartoon guy be sadistic, right? So it’s not that…but I do have a big flaw…and I’ll let my mom expose it in this little story… Way back in about…
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