Posts by Craig Ballantyne
Peaking for Your Big Day
Below is the last installment of my interview with fasting and nutrition expert, Brad Pilon. If you happened to miss last day’s excerpt where Brad divulged a number of key dietary nutrition tips to catapult your fat loss results, then make sure you go back and read it through. To finish off the transformation interview…
Read MoreNutritional Recommendations for A Transformation Contest
If you have ever considered fasting as a means of burning fat for a transformation contest or just to reshape your body, then you’ll definitely want to go back to part 4 of my interview with Brad Pilon, author of Eat Stop Eat. Today, Brad covers a number of nutrition-related questions to help you quickly…
Read MoreThe Obesity Solution
Today, we’re going to hear about the obesity solution from a UCLA researcher, but first, let’s talk about the solution for your belly fat. I want to help you to stick to your plan…so that you don’t get sidelined. However, even if you do overdo it at one meal or miss a workout, don’t fret.…
Read MoreHow to win $1000 by losing belly fat
Ooops, I screwed up and didn’t explain a few things about the Turbulence Training Body Transformation Contest. So here’s a complete Q’n’A of everything you need to know. Q: When does the next contest start? Answer: The current body transformation contest began Dec 27th, and today is the last day to enter if you want…
Read MoreFasting for Fat Loss
If you’re involved in a body transformation contest or simply trying to lose fat, but finding it difficult to stick to your plan, then I recommend going back to part 3 of my interview with Brad Pilon. Brad not only offers some of his best tips to help you see your transformation to the end,…
Read MoreTransformation & Travel Tips
Do you know all the details on how to do the Turbulence Training Transformation Contest? It’s shockingly easy, and here’s a link to an exact step-by-step guideline on what you need to do to be eligible to win $1000 just for losing your belly fat: => Click here for the “how to” guide on the…
Read MoreHow To Stick To Your Transformation Plan
Welcome to part 3 of the 6-part interview with fasting and nutrition expert, Brad Pilon. Last day, Brad shared his road map to creating a new physique, and how you can easily piggyback off of those steps to create your very own successful body transformation story. If you’re just starting your fat loss journey, then…
Read MoreTransformation Blueprint
This is killer. I researched our transformation winners and have summarized their exact fat loss body transformation contest blueprints that they used – in many cases to finish in the top 3 of the Transformation Contest OR even to win $1000 in the contest. Let’s start with Catherine, one of our most famous transformation superstars,…
Read MoreManaging Your Diet for Fat Loss
Last day, Brad Pilon began the interview by sharing his very own body transformation experience, as well as the research findings that inspired his fasting for fat loss book, Eat Stop Eat. Today, in part 2 of my interview with Brad, we’ll cover a variety of topics, including a look at diet and the role…
Read MoreThe Rise of A Fasting, Fat Loss Expert
Over the past couple of weeks I’ve shared with you some of the best body transformation secrets that fat loss experts, Erik Ledin and John Alvino, consistently use to help clients achieve incredible results day after day. Today, in part 1, and the last of this transformation series, we’ll interview none other than nutrition and…
Read MoreNobody gets old by surprise
If I have been too subtle in the past, let me be absolutely clear today: The time to do something, the time to take action to transform your body, improve your health and energy for your family, and dramatically boost your confidence is NOW. I am even more passionate about this issue today than ever…
Read MoreGot Milk for Fat Loss?
So, what do you think of the cartoon? Bally sure looks pretty funny…and sneaky. Looks like he’s about to get up to something, don’t you think? Click here to listen to this week’s fat loss info on the Podcast It includes an interesting study on milk and resistance training, which I’ve also reviewed below. I’m…
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