Posts by Craig Ballantyne
21 Day Guide to Fat Loss
Hi! This is your 21-day step-by-step guide to fat loss. For simplicity’s sake, we’ll start with Day 1 as a Monday. If you apply all of the lifestyle changes you’ll find that making the correct and healthy choices is easier and more effective. Plus, if you follow this easy to use schedule, you won’t find…
Read More7 Transformation Tips
Last week I stumbled across a cute little cartoon that showed a dog sitting high up in a tree beside a surprised cat. The cat looks at the dog, clearly wondering how the dog got up the tree. Dog turns to the cat and says, “Sheer will, I tell ya. Sheer will.” Brilliant message there.…
Read MoreGain Muscle and Lose Fat
Last week to join the Turbulence Training Transformation Contest and win 6 months free of Turbulence Training membership. Very excited for this. Let’s get right into transforming you! Monday – September 14th This week’s top Transformation Tip: “Identify exactly what is you want. Then don’t let anything stand in your way of getting it.” –…
Read MoreYou Can Replace Intervals With Kettlebells
Today’s workout was quick and awesome. Split Lunge Jumps – 4 sets of 6 reps per side Short sprints – 8 reps of 5 seconds Long Intervals – Just 2 long (90 second runs) I have these new kick-butt adidas running shoes…liking them a lot. And I did all of this in the park beside…
Read MoreAbdominal exercises NOT to do…
To me, summer officially ends tomorrow, Labor Day. Fortunately we have kettlebell workouts and the 6th Turbulence Training Transformation Contest to get you through the fall…and lots of other cool stuff this week. Click here to listen to the call I’m also giving you a double-dose of Transformation Tips this week…here’s the first one: “You…
Read MoreBeach Body vs Gym Body – An Interview and Free Report
Today’s post is going to be an interview with Rusty Moore of Fitness Black Book. In case you have never heard of Fitness Black Book, it is a site aimed at helping men and women achieve the slim Hollywood physique. Rusty just finished a 56 page free report called the Vacation Body Blueprint which is…
Read MoreTransformation Contest Photos
Yesterday while eating my breakfast of oat groats, peaches, blueberries, almonds, cashew butter, and almond milk, I stumbled across this great quote yesterday from Dave Kekich… “Long term success is built on credibility and on establishing enduring loving relationships with quality people based on mutually earned trust. Cut all ties with dishonest, negative or lazy…
Read More5 Body Transformation Contest Tips
Let’s get ready for another amazing body transformation contest with Turbulence Training…we’re almost ready to go. It starts Monday, August 31st! And if you didn’t already know, our new Transformation contest winners are now up at Some very impressive body transformations…so lets get right into our tip of the week Click here to listen…
Read MoreFat Loss Motivation
Hope you had a great weekend. I had a lot of catching up to do here since I was away for almost 10 days. Laundry, a haircut, and a lot of walking Bally the Dog. Plus, going through all of your emails that I missed. I heard from a lot of folks who needed some…
Read MoreTransformation Contest
Well, I’m back from Europe…had a great time, filmed some TT Workout Videos, and walked over 50 miles around Paris, Amsterdam, and Belgium. The food was amazing, and so were the cities. Really great time, and can’t wait to go back and see more. If you want to find out about my favorite parts of…
Read MoreKettlebells vs. Sprints
6 Reasons Why I Stopped Running Sprints and Started Swinging a Kettlebell By: Chris Lopez, CSCS, CTT You’ve probably never heard this before, but… I dumped sprints and took up kettlebell swings for my post-weight training, fat loss interval work. Here are 6 reasons why… 1. It takes up too much time. With my regular…
Read MoreTT Depletion: 20 Minutes of INSANE Fat Burning Circuits
Are you ready!?!?!? I hope you’re half as excited as I am about the finals of the 5th Turbulence Training Transformation Contest coming up this week. We are down to the last few days to get your entries in (entries are due August 18th at midnight EST)…and yes, the 6th Turbulence Training Transformation Contest will…
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