Posts by Craig Ballantyne
10 Best Practices for Safe Workouts
When Carrie showed up for her first weight-loss workout with me, she was injured. Only three weeks earlier, she had made up her mind to lose weight. So she started running for 45 minutes per day. But doing so much, so soon was a bad idea for her body, given that she was 20 pounds overweight and hadn’t gone running in years.
Read More30-Minute Bodyweight Challenge
Hot new research tips and a classic bodyweight circuit challenge for you this week to help you burn belly fat and lose weight. You can do these workouts in a park and without dumbbells, barbells, or machines. I also give a long explanation about my true thoughts on that thing called “cardio”…don’t miss it! Click…
Read MoreHow to Lose Belly Fat Over Easter
Chocolate. Ham. Marshmallow bunny rabbits. Plenty of ways to eat yourself into a new pair of pants this weekend. So here are 5 ways to just say “NO” to gaining weight. Discover how to lose belly fat over Easter with these tips… 1) Workout first thing in the morning There’s nothing magical about training first…
Read MoreScientists Shocked to Discover Amazing New Way to Lose Weight
Scientists from FLLAB (Fat Loss Laboratory for Abdominal Beautification) were shocked earlier this week by a new study that suggests a powerful way to lose weight. Surprisingly, it doesn’t have to do with the recent discovery of “good fat and brown fat that might burn calories if we give you some drugs” or glorified caffeine…
Read MoreFat Loss for Folks Over 50
Q: Do you have any fat loss programs for men and women in their 50’s? Answer: Yes, the same workouts I use with every age group. A workout doesn’t need to be changed based on the age of the person. It needs to be changed based on the individual needs of the person. For example,…
Read More5 Ways to Jack UP Your Fat Loss Program Results
Q: I’ve been on the same fat loss program for a while now and it’s not working. What should I do? Answer: Well, the answer’s easy. You can’t keep doing the same fat loss program (that isn’t working now) and suddenly expect it to magically start working again. You have to change your program. That’s…
Read MoreHow Many Jaegerbombs Can I Drink & Still Have 6-Pack Abs?
Time to open up the TT Fat Loss mailbag again…today’s questions are all about alcohol and fat burning, and whether or not you can have a little booze while trying to lose fat. I’ll sum up everything below, but first, a few of our more entertaining questions. Q: How many calories in a jack and…
Read MoreThe NEW Fat Burning Zone (the old cardio one is a JOKE!)
You’ve heard of the fat burning zone, right? It’s a joke, a bunch of useless info, but here’s how it goes down… Well, I’ve got a few fat burning hot zone exercises I want to share with you today…But first: Happy National Pecan Month. Bet you didn’t know that April is Pecan Month, did ya?…
Read MoreStupid Personal Trainers, Dead Bunnies, & Negative Calorie Fat Loss Foods
So today I saw a personal trainer leaving the gym and lighting up a cigarette. Classic. That reminded me of the many stupid things personal trainers do, such as having clients stand on dumbbells (I swear I saw this once), and recommending so-called “negative calorie foods for fat loss”. You may have stumbled across the…
Read MorePepperoni Pizza 1 – Craig 0 (watch Craig Ballantyne get his butt whooped!)
Well, I admit it. I’m a total dork. You’ll see why as soon as you watch this video of me racing a (that’s right, I race a pizza)…& I get my butt kicked. All in the name of teaching you an important fat loss lesson! It’s our first of many episodes in my new online…
Read MoreKing of Fat Loss Interval Training Declares Best Interval Workout for Fat Loss is…
Q: What’s the best interval training program for fat loss? Answer: The one that gets you the MOST fat loss results in the least amount of exercise time with minimal or NO equipment. I’ve tried every high intensity interval training (HIIT) program imaginable… I’ve even used every piece of equipment (from cardio machines to kettlebells,…
Read More7 Rules to Having Insane Amounts of Energy While Losing Belly Fat
Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired and not having any “energy”? It’s frustrating, isn’t it? But did you know there are proven ways to be alert all through the day, while getting more done and still having enough energy to burn belly fat? There is, and I’m going to share my…
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