Posts by Craig Ballantyne
7 Rules to Having Insane Amounts of Energy While Losing Belly Fat
Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired and not having any “energy”? It’s frustrating, isn’t it? But did you know there are proven ways to be alert all through the day, while getting more done and still having enough energy to burn belly fat? There is, and I’m going to share my…
Read MoreDon’t Let the Recession Make You Overweight
Japanese scientists studied 122 workers between the ages of 21 and 60. They found that work stress (in the form of tension, anxiety, and depression) was associated with an increase in what they called “eating to satiety” (meaning eating until they were completely full). Unfortunately, eating to satiety was also associated with weight gain.
Read More7 Day Guide to Lose Lower Belly Fat & The Best Lower Ab Exercises
It’s been a very controversial week for Turbulence Training, and with this guide to losing lower belly fat and the best lower ab exercises, things aren’t going to change any time soon! In case you didn’t hear, I nearly had all of my articles banned from MSN because some folks didn’t like my controversial expose…
Read MoreDiet Tips for Fat Loss
Time for some diet tips for fat loss, and these killer ideas come mostly from the TTMembers forum. Very cool group of people on that site. One day, I read an article about binge eating, and knowing that portion control is a HUGE component of fat loss success, I went straight to the forum with…
Read MoreEdible Cancer Sticks
Polish researchers studied the effect of potato chip consumption on otherwise healthy volunteers. Potato chips and French fries are close cousins. Both contain relatively high concentrations of acrylamide, a potentially carcinogenic compound found in starchy foods that have been cooked at a high temperature.
Read MoreFat Loss Workout For Women
Here’s a fat loss workout for women that I designed for one of the biggest female fitness magazines in the world. Now there are a couple of problems when working with magazines. First, they often come with limits. For example, I couldn’t use certain exercises in this workout because they used those exercises in programs…
Read MoreBodyweight Workouts for Fat Loss
One of the most common questions I get is, “Can you use bodyweight workouts and exercises for fat loss?”. The answer of course, is yes. You can burn fat and lose weight with almost any exercise program, from yoga to cardio to intervals to bodybuilding to martial arts to bodyweight. But what makes bodyweight exercises…
Read MoreHow To Lose Fat in Vegas Faster Than You Can Lose Your Money
Sin City (or travel anywhere) doesn’t have to mean you’re going to gain weight. It’s easy to plan your way out of any holiday weight gain. In fact, you can even lose fat while traveling. The idea for this post came to me while I was having a cold Blue Moon last Thursday afternoon at…
Read More7 Day Fat Loss Exercise Guide
We’ve got a really cool 7-day fat loss exercise guide to take you through the next week and a new fat burning program to keep you changing your body. Click here to listen to the call Woohoo! The 60-Day Turbulence Training Twitter Transformation Contest is finishing up and we’ll soon have voting going on the…
Read MoreDiet vs. Exercise Royal Rumble
What happens when you put 3 fitness experts in a room with a pizza, two cheeseburgers, two servings of edible cancer sticks (aka “french fries”), 2 sodas, 2 donuts, 2 giant chocolate chip muffins, 1 huge frappacino, 2 espresso brownies, 1 protein bar, a treadmill, a stairclimber, and a kettlebell? Well, you have the Ultimate…
Read More5 Tips to Stick To Your Fat Loss Program For the Rest of Your Life
Jane B. was like many of my new fat loss program clients. She had tried and failed, tried and failed, and tried again to stick to traditional long, slow cardio programs that had her in the gym for 90 minutes 5-6 days per week. But it just wasn’t do-able. She had a busy life, and…
Read MoreThe Truth About Fat Loss
Q: Thanks for the new blog on Fat Loss! I’ve been reading lately about something known as “Setpoint Theory” which says your body will always try to maintain its equilibrium (weight or body fat) by increasing or decreasing your metabolism based on environmental factors such as stress. Can activity level such as TT lower your…
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