Posts by Craig Ballantyne
Facebook for Fat Loss?
You know what you need to do in order to lose fat: Eat less and exercise more.
But that’s easier said than done, especially when you’re surrounded by friends who want to drag you to another movie or high-calorie restaurant meal when you should be working out.
Read More2 Unlikely Sources of Fat-Loss Advice
Recently, I came across two quotes that are unlikely sources of fat-loss advice. The first is from legendary real estate speculator Frank McKinney: “Figure yourself out. Spend time in introspection.” The other is the title of a coaching program from Dan Sullivan: “Discover your strengths.”
Read MoreA Taste of Advice Marathon Runners Hate
Most aspiring marathon runners are smart enough not to buy a beat-up used car for $300 and try to drive it across America non-stop. But they have no problem taking their overweight, used up, beat-up, weak bodies and trying to run 26.2 miles in under 4 hours.
Read More7 Signs That You Are Doing Too Much Cardio
The other day, while I was completing my Turbulence Training workout, I noticed that the folks sweating it out on the cardio machines were going through some interesting rituals. After watching them for a while, it was clear to me why they were doing it: They were doing too darn much cardio!
Read MoreA Secret to Success
Yesterday morning, after an early morning walk with Bally, my 3-year-old chocolate lab, I sat down in my office and read a motivational quote. (Something I do every day.)
This one struck me as true for both business and weight-loss success. It says, “Intense desire is the foundation of all achievement.”
Read MoreThe Secret to Fat Loss
You want the secret to fat loss? Okay, but you’re not going to like it.
It has nothing to do with green tea, acai berry juice, or the Master Cleanse. Instead, the secret to fat loss is a state of mind. And once you’re in that state of mind, you can’t fail.
Read MoreCan You Eat Pizza on a Fat-Loss Program?
One of the questions I frequently get is, “Can I eat pizza (or burgers, or fries, etc.) on a fat-loss program?”
Read MoreHave Fun, Lose Fat
On Sunday morning, I was reviewing my daily motivational quotes when I stumbled across this one: “Enjoy life. Treat it as an adventure. Care passionately about the outcome, but keep it in perspective. Things are seldom as bleak as they seem when they are going wrong – or as good as they seem when they are going well. Lighten up. You’ll live longer.”
Read MoreA Harsh Truth About Nutrition
For one reason (kids) or another (spouse), they have junk food in the house, tempting them every day. And, in fact, snacking on that junk food – often between the end of work and dinnertime – is what prevents many people from losing weight. It can even cause them to gain more weight.
Read MoreSay Goodbye to Exercise-Induced Muscle Soreness
The next time you do a workout, do only one set per exercise (rather than the three sets most workouts call for) – and don’t worry, you’ll still get most of the fat-burning, muscle-building, strength-boosting benefits of a regular full workout. The week after that, add another set and do two sets per exercise. Finally, in the third week, you’ll be ready to do a full three sets of each exercise.
Read MoreThe #1 Way to Stick To Your Diet
There’s a popular new “social networking” website: At first glance, it looks as dumb as it sounds. But after spending some time on it, I realized it could help my clients stay accountable to others – and that’s key when it comes to sticking to a diet. Because if you promise others that you are going to lose weight, and you promise to report the contents of every meal, you’ll think twice about cheating on your diet.
Read MoreHow Often Should You Weigh Yourself?
I know you hate to look at the scale. Some trainers even suggest throwing the thing out. But the truth is, keeping an eye on your weight can help you meet your weight-loss goals.
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