The 0.3% Solution

Guess what? You can improve your health and change your life. And all it takes is 12 weeks.

If 12 weeks seems like a big commitment to you, you need to take a good, hard look at your priorities…

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How to (Finally!) Get That 6-Pack

You’ve been working on those 6-pack abs for as long as you can remember… and nothing seems to help. Perhaps the solution lies in the results of a new study published in The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. The study showed that doing ab exercises “explosively” (i.e., faster) makes your abdominal muscles work harder.

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2 Supplements for Mature Men

Strength and muscle mass are two of the most important components for healthy living in older folks. If you don’t have strength, every activity is going to be harder than it should be. So you’ll be happy to know that there are two nutritional supplements that can help you build strength, no matter how old you are.

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Getting Past the Fat-Loss “Dip”

I’ve been reading a little book called The Dip by Seth Godin. It’s all about how the biggest marketing results are often achieved after a struggle. Unfortunately, many people quit during the struggle and never achieve success.

This is very true not only of marketing but of fat loss, working out, and eating right. (You might be able to relate.)

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