Who Says Fruit Makes You Fat?

Here’s one thing you’ll never see reported in ETR: “Eating Apples Makes You Fat.” Yet, one of the most popular search terms for people ending up on my fitness blog is “Does fruit make you fat?” For some reason, folks have been brainwashed by misinformation in muscle magazines that tell us fruit makes us fat.…

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A Fast Benefit From Cardio

I’m not a huge fan of traditional aerobic cardio workouts for fat loss. They’re inefficient, ineffective, and can cause injury. However, aerobics can have an immediate health benefit for anyone who makes the mistake of indulging in too much food.

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The 2 Things Killing Your Weight Loss

Monday to Friday, you are a fat-burning robot. You work out first thing in the morning, eat breakfast, have a high-protein salad for lunch, a healthy afternoon snack, and then a sensible dinner. It all adds up to a pound of fat loss per week.

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The Green Tea Scam

Green tea is a healthy drink. It’s been shown to boost brain health, protect against Parkinson’s, increase metabolism, protect the prostate, and reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. But, contrary to claims made in many ads making the rounds these days, it does NOT cause weight loss. Researchers from Taiwan randomized 78 overweight women…

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Take Baby Steps to Better Health

I get hundreds of e-mails every day, but only a few of them upset me. And those are the ones from guys who are under 30 and feel that they’ll never be in good shape again. It is frustrating that so many men, and women, think they are over the hill in their late 20s. Can you believe that?

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The Meal-Replacement Bar Paradox

The other night, after filming a set of workout videos at a friend’s gym, I reviewed the plethora of meal-replacement energy bars at the front counter. Some were made with all-natural ingredients, while others contained numerous chemicals. But all had about 250-300 calories.

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3 “Core” Exercises for Beginners

It’s summer – the time of year when almost everyone wants six-pack abs. But if you’re a beginner at exercise – especially if you’re overweight – the worst thing you can do to lose belly fat is hit the floor and do hundreds of crunches and sit-ups.

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A Neglected Metabolism-Boosting Move

If you want to burn a lot of calories, you need to do a lot of resistance-training exercises for the back of your body, not just the front. Your entire upper back is one of your biggest muscle groups. By exercising this important area, you can burn more calories than if you just train your chest and stomach muscles.

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Adding Extra Oomph to Almonds

As you know from reading ETR, almonds have a host of health benefits. They can lower cholesterol, help reduce inflammation, and keep blood sugar in check. Plus, they are a good source of healthy fats, fiber, and protein. And back in 2003, I discovered a study that showed almonds help with weight loss. Since then, I’ve been recommending raw almonds to my clients as well as the millions of people who read my articles on the Internet and in Men’s Health magazine

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This Thing’ll Kill Ya

It should come as no surprise that ETR, a newsletter on how to get “healthy, wealthy, and wise,” doesn’t recommend watching TV. We all know that TV is detrimental to productivity. Even worse, it sets us up to eat junk food and increase our waistlines.

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