Posts by Craig Ballantyne
Getting Rid of Sore Muscles
Three research-proven ways to get rid of sore muscles.
Read More3 Ways to Keep Track of Fat Loss
Here are three good ways to judge how well your fat-loss plan is working.
Read MoreFirm Up Your Butt Without Hurting Your Knees
Here’s are exercises for a firm butt that will firm up your butt without giving your knees a pounding.
Read MoreThe Truth About the Latest Diet Pill
How much money have you wasted on fat-burning supplements? Whatever the dollar amount, I assure you that you wasted every penny.
Read MoreCalorie-Burning Foods
How would you like to get the benefits of one cardio session per week, without having to do any work? Well, all you have to do is eat more protein.
Read MoreHow Often Should the Average Person Workout
Thanks to the cardio-marathon mindset of the 80s, most folks are convinced they need to exercise for over an hour, seven days a week, to “get fit.” But that’s not even close to the truth. So, how often should the average person workout?
Read MoreThe Trick to Keeping Weight Off
Consistently monitoring yourself after you’ve lost weight is clearly a key component of keeping it off.
Read MoreFight Stomach Fat
If you are new to interval training, start conservatively. Begin by doing one-minute rounds at a slightly-harder-than-normal exercise pace. Then spend one minute at a slow pace as a recovery interval.
Read MoreLack of Sleep Leads to Weight Gain
In a study of 30 Greek women, researchers found that lack of sleep leads to weight gain.
Read MoreCircuit Training for Your Heart
Circuit weight training may be the best way to improve cardiovascular fitness. Here’s why.
Read MoreLose Weight With the Help of the Internet
Thousands of men and women are losing fat and building muscle thanks to the Web. What the Internet provides (aside from endless – yet pointless – amusement) is a source of social support, a crucial factor in the success of any body-transformation program.
Read MoreDethroning the “King” of Exercise
Cardio (a.k.a. aerobic exercise) is no longer the King of Exercise. Research now shows that you can lose fat, improve your heart health, increase your quality of life, and reduce your risk of disability with resistance training. Sure, you can get some benefits by using machines at your local health club. But total-body “functional” exercises…
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