Posts by Craig Ballantyne
057 – How to MAX OUT in Life and Reach Your Full Potential in Health, Wealth, and Relationships
Have you ever wondered what your life could be like if you were living up to your full potential? How far could you go in your career? How your income, influence, and impact would grow? Today you’re going to meet a man who is committed to MAXING OUT in life and chasing his best self every day. But he wasn’t always like that. He was struggling, shy, introverted, and unsuccessful. Then he discovered one mindset success secret that changed everything. Today he is a multi-millionaire living his dream life, and he’ll show you how you can have it all too.
Read More056 – The Best Ways to Network for High-Value Personal and Professional Relationships
On episode 56 of the podcast, Craig chats with ETR Editor Jeff Steen about the ins and outs of having a professional network. Whatever your industry may be, these tips and techniques—successfully used by Craig himself over the last 20 years—will build long-lasting relationships sure to help you 10x your business and your life.
Read MoreHow to Overcome the 2 Biggest Obstacles to Business Success
Don’t make the same mistakes I did—use these tips to keep your company’s messaging clear and your customers aware of how you can help them. Sales will follow.
Read More053 – The Money Show: Investing, Taxes, and Insurance
Money. Money. Money. Here’s how to get more of it and keep it. Best-selling author Garrett Gunderson, the CEO of Wealth Factory reveals The Truth About Investing with an advisor… and what to do instead, how to save money on your taxes, what everyone needs to know about getting the lowest interest rate on a loan, and so much more.
Read More052 – Why a Giving-First Business Philosophy Creates More Value
Bob Burg is a pretty well-known name in business circles. He’s the co-creator of the “Go-
Giver Movement,” grounded in four celebrated “Go-Giver” books (which have sold upwards
of 1 million copies). On this episode of ETR Radio, Editor Jeff Steen takes the mic again to interview Bob about the “Go-Giver” journey—why it started, how it has helped those in the business world, and what the next book might be.
Why Time is Our Most Valuable Commodity
We often thing of our net worth in terms of dollars and cents—or stocks and stuff. But the most valuable resource we have is time. Are you making the most of it?
Read More051 – Success Q&A Coaching Call on Pursuing Your Passion and Achieving Your Dreams
This is a brand new QnA Coaching Call where I answer YOUR questions on Pursuing Your Passion and Achieving Your Dreams! You’re going to learn:
– How to Use the Perfect Day Formula to Break Out of any Slump or Plateau
– The 5 Things You Must Look For When Hiring the PERFECT Coach for You
– How to Find & Follow Your Passion in Life
– 3 Reasons Why People Want to Get Coaching from Me
And a BIG update on our new workshop & mastermind programs coming to a city near you.
050 – Make More Impact, Income, and Influence
Want to hear about my $100,000 investing mistake? My thoughts on Koby Bryant? My favorite Warren Buffett quote? My best tips for networking as an Introvert? My guide for greater productivity? How to have more impact, income, and influence? And my thoughts on millennials, mindset, money, and more? Listen to this EPIC conversation with Jason Capital, America’s Honest Dating Coach.
Read More049 – The Secret, Secret Ingredient for Success in Every Area of Life
What’s the one thing you need to do to succeed? It’s the same thing I resisted early in my career because of my ego. My number one business mistake was NOT getting this sooner. You need career coaching and personal accountability, of course, but the secret to success actually goes much, much DEEPER than that. Once I finally had this success secret in place I was able to get rich and overcome obstacles. You really need to hear this message today!
Read More048 – My Most Embarrassing Business Mistakes and Career Failures Revealed!
Business failures. Embarrassing career mistakes. This is what success is built on. You’re going to learn why successful people trust their guts and never rely on someone else to do the work. This is how you build your Empire… one business lesson at a time.
Read More047 – The Best Motivational Speech Ever
Do you ever have this feeling that you are capable of so much more? That you’re just on the edge of the bubble… and you might be a little frustrated with the feeling like you’re on the outside looking in? That’s what inspired me to create today’s show. Welcome to the Best Motivational Speech about how you can reach your full potential, achieve exactly what you want in life, and finally get what you desire and deserve for working so hard for, for so long. Let me show you how to be relentless, resilient, and resourceful.
Read More7 Steps to Build Habits of Steel and Beat Procrastination
It may seem like winning your mornings and owning your days is a challenge, but the secret to success lies in building good habits. Here are the 7 steps you need to follow to build the right ones.
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