024 – 7 Habits of High Performers and Rich and Successful People

Imagine the perfect daily routine of a high performer. Everything meticulously planned and prepared and made simple and smooth for success. But also imagine getting an inside peek at the secrets that allow them to be insanely productive while still being able to recover and have high energy every day. These are the 7 super-habits of high performers that you can start using today.

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022 – #1 Mental Hack for Success and Overcoming Self-Doubt

022 - #1 Mental Hack for Success and Overcoming Self-Doubt

Discover Craig’s secrets to building a champion mindset so that you can be successful in every area of your life. Listen, chances are that you’ve been a great athlete, a top student, or you have amazing family relationships. That means you are a champion in one area of life. But it’s also likely that you are crippled with self-doubt and struggle in another area of life. In this show, Craig reveals how you can overcome this mindset, build your confidence, and apply a new champion mindset for success. You’ll see how the best of the best – like Tom Brady, Stephen King, and Lewis Howes use this every day – and you can too!

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020 – #1 Pillar of High Performance

020 - #1 Pillar of High Performance

#1 pillar of high performance that gives you all day energy levels, laser-like focus, better sleep, faster recovery, and a leaner, sexier body… These amazing benefits are all within your arms reach at a grocery store. You see, the #1 factor in your physical and mental performance – and appearance – is good nutrition. Find out what to eat, when to eat, and how much to eat in order for you to lose weight, look great, and get in high-performance shape for both the bedroom and the boardroom. Discover the lessons I learned at the University of Arnold Schwarzenegger at age 16 to be lean and energetic for life.

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019 – Sales Skills 101: How to Go From Zero to Hero in the Art of Persuasion

Sales Skills 101: How to Go From Zero to Hero in the Art of Persuasion

Learning how to sell and persuade is one of the most important communication skills that every human must have. In every conversation you have every single day, you are persuading and selling. But selling doesn’t mean being sleazy. Instead, it means creating win-WIN relationships in every area of your life. Discover the secrets to selling from two leaders who were once really, really terrible at selling… but who have now become sales machines.

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018 – 3-C Formula To Beat Addiction & Anxiety

018 - 3-C Formula To Beat Addiction & Anxiety

Addiction and anxiety have ruined millions of lives. But that doesn’t mean it has to happen to you. You can fight back. There’s a formula for beating it. And it starts with the 3-C’s:

Control what you can.
Cope with what you can’t.
Concentrate on what counts.

Listen here as I explain to my friend Erik Kerr of the Healing Addiction Summit on how to use the principles of overcoming anxiety to also overcome certain aspects of addiction.

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