Posts by Craig Ballantyne
011 – The Life-Changing Power of Morning Routines
What do Ernest Hemingway, Benjamin Franklin, Andrew Carnegie, Maya Angelou, Anthony Bourdain, and even Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson have in common? They are early to rise.They all understand the power of an early morning routine and the morning rituals that practically guarantee success. Today you’ll hear all about their strange, yet effective morning routines, and you’ll learn how to create powerful morning rituals for yourself.
Read More010 – How to Build an Empire: The Story of An American Dream
In this epic show, you’ll discover all of these habits, the secrets to success, and the path to building your own empire. But most importantly, you’ll hear an incredible journey to freedom from a man who risked everything to give his family opportunity. From this opportunity, and thanks to the immigrant edge, his son has gone on to build an Empire, and become what we call the American Dream. This is a powerful story that shows you no matter where you are starting from, no matter what your circumstances, that you can overcome all obstacles and climb to the top.
Read More009 – High Status Secrets
Status. Money. Respect. Power. These are four things that everyone wants… no matter how much they say they don’t. And today’s guest will show you the success secrets for getting exactly what you want in life using his pillars of high status and attraction. Don’t miss the George Clooney story!
Read More008 – My Heart Attack! How to Overcome Anxiety
The TRUE story on how to cope with stress and overcome anxiety. When you listen to the story of the lowest point of my life, you’ll see how you can feel better again. So if you’ve ever struggled with anxiety, stress, worry, or panic attacks, there are three things you need to know:
1) It’s okay and there’s nothing wrong with you. You aren’t broken.
2) You’re going to get better and you’re going to beat this.
3) There’s a proven formula for getting back on to the path to peace.
We’re going to cover all of that on this show and more.
Read More007 – Supermom Reveals How to Get More Done and Make More Money
Meet America’s Weight Loss Supermom who has helped over 1 million men and women lose weight and get back in shape. How did she do it? With these secrets of time management and productivity, along with the new rules of goal setting, and the game-changing approach to achieving exactly what she wanted in life. Plus, you’ll hear her goosebump-evoking conversation with God that changed her life.
Read More006 – The NEW Rules of Goal Setting
Everything you were taught about goal setting is wrong. Discover the #1 goal setting mistake and how to fix it with the new rules of goal setting today so that you can achieve exactly what you want in life. With this step-by-step action plan in place, you’ll finally accomplish your 4 major goals and live the life of your dreams.
Read More005 – How to Write the Movie Script for Your Life
This is a game-changer. Get ready to gain complete clarity on how to reach your dream destination in life. If you want to achieve extraordinary results and overcome obstacles like procrastination and distractions, then you simply need to create a movie script for your life. When you do, and when you know exactly what you want in life, then you’ll have the complete success blueprint for achieving your big goals and dreams. Join me and create your dream today.
Read More004 – The Immigrant Edge Success System Revealed
The American Dream still exists. On this show, you’ll meet a successful businessman who has used The Immigrant Edge to become more productive, overcome procrastination, and build one of the fastest growing businesses in America. He used his success system to defeat distractions and obstacles to rise out of terrible circumstances and to inspire and motivate millions of people every day.
Read More003 – Success Secrets of the World’s Most Mysterious Man
Get to know the most mysterious Business Man, Coach, and CEO, as he shows you how to change your child’s life with an EPIC spring break, tells you the best success books to read, and reveals the truth about millennials.
Read More002 – The 5 Pillars that Guarantee Success from The World’s Most Disciplined Man
Meet the world’s most disciplined man and discover his 5 pillars of success. You’ll learn how to change your life and achieve your goals with better planning so that you have more free time and less stress, and so that you become happier in every area of your life.
Read More001 – 5 Rules EVERY High Performer Must Follow
If you want to be more productive, improve your time management, make more money, and overcome procrastination and distractions, then you MUST put these 5 rules for success into place immediately. Discover the success secrets that entrepreneurs, executives, and high performers use to achieve their goals.
Read MoreMonster Facebook Live Sales Strategy
Facebook Live gives every business owner the opportunity to beam a live ‘television’ show to the computers and mobile devices at practically no cost.
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