Why The Rich Have Big Libraries

why the rich have big libraries

Over the last two days I’ve been going fully transparent to share with you what I believe makes someone truly successful: Knowing your purpose Knowing whether your impediment is an issue of skill or commitment If you learned nothing else from me, you could use these two ideas to figure out how to achieve any…

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21-Days to a NEW you!

You can do ANYTHING for 21 days. Starting today, I want you to identify the single habit you want to change by the end of April. I’m doing it too, and together we’ll use my 21-Day Habit Change Formula. Here’s a 30-minute Facebook Live I did at 6 a.m. yesterday morning which goes into details… plus I…

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60 Second Fat Burning Finishers

Oh wow! You’re about to be amazed at what you can do in just 1 minute. That’s right, you can incinerate fat in just 60 seconds. Don’t believe me? Well, what about a Ph.D. exercise scientist who has been featured in the New York Times over and over again? His name is Martin Gibala, and…

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1 New Weird Workout

Finally… …my latest MAGICAL 4-minute Metabolism Booster video is available. For free, too! But it gets a little weird… you could call this, Man With Kettlebell on Chin. Ha. Watch this video for your 4-minute Monday workout Please share this video with everyone you know that exercises. And if they want more workouts, get my…

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5 Tricks to Eat Less JUNK Food

Ugh, you ever have one of those mornings where you regretted the junk you ate yesterday? I did. You see, last week we were in Miami for my mom’s 75th birthday, and we went to a fancy restaurant, had a celebratory drink, ordered too much food, and then… …despite being stuffed, we ordered a giant…

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