Posts by Craig Ballantyne
“When you try your best, but you don’t succeed When you get what you want, but not what you need When you feel so tired, but you can’t sleep Stuck in reverse.” – Coldplay, Fix You If you feel that way, like you’re stuck in reverse, then I have good news for you. Now, before…
Read MoreHow to Get Better at Anything
I started meditating on Thursday, January 31st, 2013. I haven’t missed a day since. It hasn’t been easy, but the secrets I’ve discovered on this journey have also made me a top-rated speaker, a better manager, and a more effective businessman. I’ll explain how that worked in a moment, but first let’s start with overcoming the…
Read MoreTruth about PIZZA
Yes, you CAN eat pizza and still lose weight. But NO, you can’t burn off a large pizza with exercise. That’s the good news and bad news you’re getting in today’s TT diet update. Let me explain… New research from Portugal (hmmm, thought it would be from Italy?), discovered that you can lose weight even…
Read MoreMy A-Ha Moment About Your Success
Last week I had an “A-Ha” moment while reviewing my personal transformation progress for the year. I realized that in order to be successful, we must have someone (a coach, mentor, friend, etc.) holding us accountable to a high standard. And you must be terrified of letting that person down. That’s what most people leave…
Read MoreRead if You Are Stressed or Overwhelmed
One in five Americans suffers from anxiety. I know how painful it can be. Back in 2006 I had such severe anxiety that it sent me to the emergency room twice. I thought I was having a heart attack. It was the lowest point of my life. So I tried everything to ‘cure’ it. Yoga,…
Read MoreNEW ingredient to AVOID today
Have you met the “Darth Vader” of food ingredients? It’s so evil that it’s causing you to store belly fat… …and experts also say it’s ruining the environment. Yikes! Want to know what it is? Soy. That’s right, this so-called “healthy ingredient” is actually one that you should avoid. My friend Diana Keuilian has been…
Read MoreThe biggest exercise mistake is…
The biggest exercise mistake is… Doing exercises with a rounded low back. People make this mistake when they do… – squats – crunches – sit-ups – rowing exercises – and even when they pick up dumbbells / kids / trash off the floor This is one of the worst things you can do for…
Read MoreUseless Exercises
Last week, while in Rio for the Olympics, I put my friend Joel Marion’s Uncle-in- Law, Nick, through a TT session. Nick’s workout, when he’s back in Jersey, usually consists of pec-machine flyes, triceps extensions with the rope, and behind-the- neck pulldowns. And he wondered why his shoulder hurt. It’s because those useless exercises cause…
Read MoreWhat NOT To Eat This Morning
In the last 10 days I’ve seen it all. While in Rio for the Olympics last week, we ate at restaurants every night, and attended a lot of sporting events where healthy food was in short supply. So I saw a lot of diet mistakes… You’ve probably never been told about these mistakes. And that…
Read MoreHow To Get Bark In Shape
Woof, Woof! Hey, ol’ Bally the Dog here, today I’m going to show you how to get BARK in shape. I mean back in shape. Same thing. Woof woof. *wags tail* In today’s video, you’ll learn how to burn fat and build musclez at the same time. You’ll love this one. Here’s why it’s so…
Read MoreHow to Eat Healthy on the Road
The worst excuse for going off your diet is… “I’m traveling.” Big deal! Just because you’ve left your zip code doesn’t mean you have a license to eat whatever you want at every meal. For example, on Tuesday night we were stuck at the Atlanta airport in a bit of a travel nightmare. We stumbled…
Read MoreChange Your Business and Your Life (In One Day!)
Be honest: how many times have you envisioned the career and life that you dream about, only to immediately talk yourself out of it? Maybe your objection was something like, “There are too many things I need to do to reach my dream! I’ll never get all that done! I’ll never have enough time!” If…
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