Video Podcast: Seriously Important

75! That’s how many podcast interviews I’ve now done this year. Some of them have been lame, most have been ‘good enough’, and then some of them have been awesome, like this one. The young man who interviewed me is determined to make millions with his podcast, and he put an extraordinary amount of work…

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Powerful Pilates: NEW Research Study

Quick note today…because I’m traveling again (back to America!). So you’re getting a fast fat-burner workout. It’s takes just 4-minutes and it kick-starts your body’s fat burning for the day. There’s even a video demonstration (below). BUT… If this workout is too hard, here’s some good news. A brand NEW study found that Pilates decreases…

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How Your Friends Make You Fat

Last Monday, while driving from Edinburgh, Scotland to Loch Ness, an old friend emailed me for help. Scott, aged 41, had gained 20 pounds due to work, a long commute, and his new marriage. “CB,” he said, “I’ve been exercising hard 5 times per week, but I need you to make me a new fat-burning…

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Do This One Thing Today

Yesterday I told you about my friend Scott. Like many people, Scott gained weight because his friends were overweight. You might know the feeling. Your friends eat hot dogs, chicken wings and chocolate cake. They drink soda, beer, and sugary coffees at Starbucks And worse… They pressure YOU into doing the same. It’s a sad…

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Unique Ab Exercise Videos

No one knows about this workout video… …well, 303,000 people have watched it. But that’s nothing compared to my videos that have been watched 2 million times. Still, this ab exercise video shows you some unique moves that burn fat and get you back in shape fast. And you don’t need fancy machines. But that’s…

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New 10-Minute (evil) Flat-Stomach Workout

Apologies in advance! This is an evil workout idea that came to me on the flight over from Toronto to London last week. Now don’t get scared off… I did this circuit in my hotel room in Scotland… …and it’s deadly for belly fat. It’s a fun little workout unlike anything you’ve probably ever done…

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New 10-Minute (evil) Flat Belly Workout

Apologies in advance! This is an evil workout idea that came to me on the flight over from Toronto to London last week. Now don’t get scared off… I did this circuit in my hotel room in Scotland… …and it’s deadly for belly fat. It’s a fun little workout unlike anything you’ve probably ever done…

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5 Secrets to Steal from Weight Watchers

“Oh, look at that beautiful baby bump. How many months pregnant are you?” “I’m not.” Ouch. You can only imagine how Jean Nidetch felt when a neighbor mistook her weight gain for pregnancy. The insult motivated Jean to attend local weight loss clinics, but she couldn’t stick with them for long. “They are so boring,”…

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7-Minute Swimsuit Body Circuit

Let’s be honest, this woman looks much better in a swimsuit than me. Or at least, that’s what I think. Her name is Missi Holt, and she’s demonstrating some of your exercises today. This simple 7-minute circuit is going to help you look better in your swimsuit. It works faster than doing boring cardio on…

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Milk (Whey Good!)

Poor ol’ milk. It’s one of the most controversial topics in the nutrition world. Some folks say… “Milk is bad. It causes inflammation.” That might be true, for some folks. Other (clueless) people say, “Humans are the only animal that drink milk as adults.” Those people have never put a bowl of milk out for…

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Do This “Body Rust” Check-Up Before Work Today

Hey, do me a favor. Give your body a little check-up and let me know the answer to these questions: Are your fingers slightly swollen? Do your joints ache? Does your gut feel a little rotten? Are you tired or brain foggy? Do you feel like your body is “rusty”? If you answered “Yes” to…

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Healthy and Delicious Vacationing

Good morning from a magical train station in Scotland where I am about to board the Hogwart’s Express. I’m not joking. Today I’m joining Diana Keuilian, author of The Recipe Hacker, her husband Bedros, and their kiddos for a ride on the “Harry Potter Train”. To make up for the lack of manliness in today’s…

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