Posts by Craig Ballantyne
3 Secrets to Happiness
One morning, a friend called me in distress about her relationship with her boyfriend. There was one misunderstanding after another, and now they weren’t talking. After 20 minutes we worked out a plan and I’ll share it below. But it got me thinking about how easy it is for us to slip from what I call,…
Read MoreFriday’s Funny Workout
oops, totally forgot this in Wednesday’s Jane Fonda workout update! I meant to give you a short 2-minute fat burning finisher to demonstrate the power of putting Turbulence on your muscles to activate the Afterburn Fat Signal. So here goes… Friday’s Funny Fat Burning Finisher – Do not rest between exercises. 1A) *Punisher Squat –…
Read More10-Minute Super ARMS and ABS “Pump” Workout
Forgive me ladies, for I have workout-sinned. Today is the workout version of manspreading. Haha. I’m sorry. It just is. It’s a super sexy circuit with Tony Stark snark, with Arnold attitude, and with more pumps than a sugar-filled Starbucks drink. But of course, I know a lot of TT ladies that will love it…
Read More3 Biggest Mistakes You’ll Make in Business
Early in the Easter story, just before he is betrayed by Judas, Jesus says to Peter in the Garden of Gethsemane,“You will deny me three times before the cock crows.”Peter shakes his head. “Never, my Lord.” But sure enough, after Jesus goes off in the darkness to pray, Peter is approached by the Romans and…
Read More3 diet rules to break (including Chocolate for Breakfast!)
If you’ve ever talked to a politically-correct, mainstream dietician, it can be frustrating. Eat lots of whole-wheat bread, never lose more than half-a-pound a week, and “make sure to eat lots of soy, grains, corn, and dairy,” they’ll say. But that is BAD advice. The TRUTH is you have to break a LOT of nutrition…
Read More10 Best Flat-Belly Exercises
What a disappointing list! That’s what I thought when I read a recent Interwebz article about the so-called “10 best flat belly exercises”. I disagreed with so many of the choices that I decided to put together my own Uncensored List right here for you. Of course, there’s a big problem with my list, too,…
Read More7 Things NOT to Do on a Perfect Day
“My nights during my last five years of my drinking always ended with the same ritual: I’d pour any beers left in the refrigerator down the sink,” said Stephen King, the author of my favorite book, The Stand. “If I didn’t, they’d talk to me as I lay in bed until I got up and…
Read More4-Minute Abs, Neck, and Back Fix
If you’ve ever woken up with a stiff back or neck, then you know how bad posture can ruin your day. For a while, back in my late 20’s, I was making the big mistake of sleeping on my stomach. I couldn’t figure out why my back was killing me. Eventually I had so much…
Read More10-Minute Bodyweight Cardio Workout
Something is seriously wrong here… … new research shows that women have DOUBLED their workout time in the last 15 years… BUT… Obesity has increased from 23 percent to 35 percent in the same time period. Other research has found that when you double amount of walking you do each day, that you do NOT…
Read MoreHow to 10X Your Success
I am impressed by this man, and I am NOT easily impressed. But he’s tearing it up right now, and it’s important for you to be exposed to what a true BIG THINKER does on a weekly basis. If you want to take control of your life, read between the lines here and take notice…
Read More3 Secrets To a Happy Life
On Wednesday morning, during another wacky, wild, random snowstorm here in Denver, a friend called me in distress about her relationship with her boyfriend. She wasn’t happy. They weren’t communicating well. There was one misunderstanding after another, and now they weren’t talking. After 20 minutes we worked out a plan… that I’ll share below. But…
Read MoreAnd One More Thing
This is really cool. Out of the blue one of my virtual mentors, copywriting guru Ray Edwards, contacted me to be on his podcast. Whoa! It made my day. I’ve been studying Ray’s copy program for 6 months now — and it helped me write a sales letter that has brought in over $200K in revenue…
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